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(PPAF) = Propagation of this plant prohibited without a license.

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Quick links to all the plants in our catalog

Are you in a hurry to find a particular plant? The table below will connect you to special pages for each plant in our online catalog. For gardeners who are fond of common names, we've includedaan the most widely used common names for these plants.

Click on the name of any of the plants to view that plant's page.

Trees & Vines
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Acer campestre Photo Available   Full Sun Hedge Maple Blooms April–May
5 $25.50
Acer griseum Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Paperbark Maple Blooms
4 $25.50 SOLD OUT!
Actinidia kolomikta ‘Arctic Beauty’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Hardy Male Kiwi Blooms June.
4 $19.75 SOLD OUT!
Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Smokey’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Smokey Serviceberry Blooms April–May
3 $16.00
Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Autumn Brilliant Serviceberry Blooms April
4 $25.00
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata ‘Elegans’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Variegated Porcelain Berry Blooms
5 $17.75
Argyrocytisus battandieri  Drawing Available  Full Sun  Drought Tolerant Pineapple Broom Blooms June–mid-August.
7 $19.50 SOLD OUT!
Aristolochia durior    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–June
4 $13.00
Betula pendula ‘Trost's Dwarf’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Trost's Dwarf Birch Blooms
4 $20.75 SOLD OUT!
Carpinus betulus Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade European Hornbeam Blooms March
5 $23.00
Carpinus cordata    Partial Shade Heartleaf Hornbeam Blooms
5 $23.00
Carpinus coreana Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Korean Hornbeam Blooms March
5 $23.00
Carpinus laxiflora Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Japanese Hornbeam Blooms March.
6 $23.00 SOLD OUT!
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Cercidiphyllum japonicum Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Katsura Tree Blooms March–April.
5 $23.75
Chionanthus retusus Photo Available   Full Sun Chinese Fringe Tree Blooms June.
5 $25.50
Chionanthus virginicus Photo Available   Full Sun American Fringe Tree Blooms June–mid-July
4 $25.50
Cladrastis kentukea Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun Yellow Wood Blooms May–June
4 $25.50
Clematis alpina ‘Constance’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms April–May
4 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis alpina ‘Francis Rivis’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade  New Plant Blooms April–May
3 $22.75
Clematis alpina ‘Jacqueline du Pré’  Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms April – May.
3 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis ‘Arabella’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade (Integrifolia Group) Blooms June–early-October
4 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis armandii ‘Apple Blossom’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms March–April
7 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis armandii ‘Snowdrift’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms March–April
7 $22.75
Clematis ‘Ascotiensis’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July–September
4 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis ‘Blue Angel’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blekitny Aniol Blooms June–September
4 $22.75
Clematis chiisanensis ‘Lemon Bells’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–June
6 $22.75 SOLD OUT !
Clematis chrysocoma var. sericea Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms April – early June.
6 $22.75
Clematis ‘Danielle’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June & September
4 $22.75
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Clematis ‘Doctor Ruppel’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May – June & September.
4 $22.75
Clematis durandii Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June–September.
5 $22.75
Clematis ‘Elsa Späth’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June & September
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Ernest Markham’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July–September
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Fragrant Star (Vancouver™)’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May, June & September
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Fujimusume’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–June & mid-August–September
5 $22.75
Clematis ‘General Sikorski’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June – September.
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Gillian Blades’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–June & September
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Gipsy Queen’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms mid-June–September
4 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis ‘Gravetye Beauty’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July–September
4 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis ‘Guernsey Cream’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–June & September
5 $22.75
Clematis ‘H. F. Young’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May – June & September.
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Haku Ookan’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–June & September
4 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis ‘Henryi’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June & August–September
4 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis heracleifolia var. davidiana    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms late July–September.
5 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Clematis ‘Horn Of Plenty’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–June & September
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Huldine’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July – October.
4 $22.75
Clematis integrifolia ‘Blue Boy’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June–September
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Jan Fopma’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July–September
5 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis ‘Kilian Donahue’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June – September.
4 $22.75
Clematis koreana ‘Brunette’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms April–June & September
3 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis ‘Lord Neville’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May, June & September
4 $22.75
Clematis macropetala ‘Blue Bird’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June–September
4 $22.75
Clematis macropetala ‘Blue Lagoon’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms April–May
3 $22.75
Clematis macropetala ‘Jan Lindmark’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Atragene Group Blooms April–May
5 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis montana var. grandiflora Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–June
5 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis montana ‘Broughton Star’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–June
6 $22.75
Clematis montana ‘Elizabeth’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May – June.
6 $22.75
Clematis montana ‘Pink Perfection’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–June
5 $22.75
Clematis ‘Morning Mist’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May – June & September.
4 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Clematis ‘Mrs. Robert Brydon’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms
5 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis ‘Niobe’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June – September.
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Pagoda’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July–September
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Pamiat Serdtsa’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade (Integrifolia group) Blooms July–September.
3 $22.75
Clematis ‘Perle d’Azur’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June–September
3 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis ‘Pink Champagne’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Kakio Blooms May–June & September
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Praecox’    Full Sun  Partial Shade (Heracleifolia Group) Blooms July–mid-October
4 $22.75
Clematis ‘Romantika’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms mid-June–September
3 $22.75
Clematis ‘Rooguchi’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade (Integrifolia group) Blooms June–mid-October
3 $22.75
Clematis ‘Sapphire Indigo™’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade  New Plant Blooms June–September
3 $22.75
Clematis ‘Sunset’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June–September
4 $22.75
Clematis tangutica ‘Golden Harvest’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Golden Bells Clematis Blooms July–September.
5 $22.75
Clematis terniflora Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Sweet Autumn Clematis Blooms August – October
6 $22.75
Clematis ‘The President’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms mid-May–September
4 $22.75 SOLD OUT!
Clematis x triternata ‘Rubromarginata’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July–early October.
5 $22.75
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Clematis ‘Victoria’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July–September
4 $22.75
Clematis viticella ‘Alba Luxurians’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July – September.
4 $22.75
Clematis viticella ‘Emilia Plater’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July-September
4 $22.75
Clematis viticella ‘Etoile Violette’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June–September
4 $22.75
Clematis viticella ‘Kermesina’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June–September.
4 $22.75
Clematis viticella ‘Polish Spirit’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July – September.
4 $22.75
Clematis viticella ‘Royal Velours’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June–September
4 $22.75
Clematis viticella ‘Venosa Violacea’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June–September
4 $22.75
Cobaea scandens Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Cup and Saucer Vine Blooms June–September.
9 $14.00
Corylus fargesii  Drawing Available  Full Sun Farges Filbert Blooms
6 $22.00 SOLD OUT!
Dalechampia dioscoreifolia    Full Sun  Partial Shade Purple Wings Blooms June – October.
9 $13.50 SOLD OUT!
Davidia involucrata Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Dove Tree Blooms May
6 $34.75 SOLD OUT!
Euscaphis japonica  Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Korean Sweetheart Tree Blooms May.
6 $18.50 SOLD OUT!
Fallopia aubertii ‘Lemon Lace’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms August–September
5 $17.50
Ficus afghanistanica ‘Silver Lyre’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Silver Lyre Afghan Fig Blooms May
7 $21.25 SOLD OUT!
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Halesia tetraptera Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Carolina Silver Bell Blooms May
5 $23.00 SOLD OUT!
Humulus lupulus ‘Aureus’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Partial Shade Golden Hops Vine Blooms September
5 $15.50
Hydrangea anomala ssp petiolaris Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Climbing Hydrangea Blooms June–July
5 $22.50
Hydrangea anomala ssp. petiolaris ‘Firefly’    Partial Shade Blooms June–July
5 $22.50 SOLD OUT!
Hydrangea anomala ssp. petiolaris ‘Miranda’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms June–July
4 $22.50 SOLD OUT!
Hydrangea anomala ssp. petiolaris ssp. petiolaris ‘Skylands Giant’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June – July
4 $22.50 SOLD OUT!
Hydrangea integrifolia    Full Sun  Partial Shade Climbing Evergreen Hydrangea Blooms August
7 $21.25 SOLD OUT!
Hydrangea seemannii Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Mexican Hydrangea Blooms July–mid-August
7 $21.25 SOLD OUT!
Jasminum x stephanense Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Jasmine Blooms May–August
7 $15.75
Lonicera x ‘Novosa (Honey Baby) ™’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July–October
4 $15.75
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Belgica’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Early Dutch Honeysuckle Blooms May–August
5 $15.75
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Serotina’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun Late Dutch Honeysuckle Blooms June–September
6 $15.75
Lonicera tragophylla    Partial Shade Chinese Honeysuckle Blooms June–August
6 $15.75 SOLD OUT!
Maackia amurensis Photo Available   Full Sun Amur Maackia Blooms June/July.
3 $17.00 SOLD OUT!
Mandevilla laxa    Full Sun  Partial Shade Chilean Jasmine Vine Blooms June–August.
9 $14.50 SOLD OUT!
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Parrotia persica Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun Persian Ironwood Blooms March
5 $25.50 SOLD OUT!
Parrotia persica ‘Vanessa’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade  New Plant Blooms February–March
4 $30.00
Passiflora ‘Betty Myles Young’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June–October
8 $13.75
Passiflora citrina Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms April – September
9 $13.75 SOLD OUT!
Passiflora x ‘Lavender Lady’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Lavender Lady Passion Flower Blooms June–October
8 $13.75
Passiflora ‘Snow Queen’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Passion Vine (Riverside®) Blooms June–October
8 $13.75
Passiflora ‘Star Of Surbiton’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Passion Vine Blooms June–December
8 $13.75 SOLD OUT!
Passiflora ‘Susan Brigham’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Passion Vine Blooms June–October
9 $13.75 SOLD OUT!
Pinus bungeana  Drawing Available  Full Sun Lacebark Pine Blooms
4 $15.25 SOLD OUT!
Pinus thunbergii var. Mikawa var. Mikawa Photo Available   Full Sun Mikawa Japanese Black Pine Blooms
5 $19.50 SOLD OUT!
Pterostyrax hispida Photo Available   Full Sun Epaulette Tree Blooms June
5 $21.00 SOLD OUT!
Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July–August
5 $22.50
Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Rosea’  Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms July–August
5 $22.50 SOLD OUT!
Stewartia pseudocamellia Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Japanese Stewartia Blooms late-July–August
5 $25.50 SOLD OUT!
Stewartia sinensis  Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Chinese Stewartia Blooms July–August
5 $25.50 SOLD OUT!
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Styrax japonicus Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Japanese Snowbell Blooms May–June
5 $25.50
Syringa reticulata ssp. pekinensis    Full Sun  Partial Shade Peking Tree Lilac Blooms June
3 $23.00 SOLD OUT!
Tetracentron sinense Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Chinese Tetracentron Blooms June–July
6 $21.00 SOLD OUT!
Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Theta’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–June
7 $17.00
Vitis coignetiae Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Crimson Gloryvine Blooms June
5 $22.25 SOLD OUT!
Wisteria ‘Amethyst Falls’    Full Sun  Partial Shade American Wisteria Blooms late April – May & September
5 $20.75
Wisteria frutescens ‘Aunt Maude’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms June–July
4 $20.75
x Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Pink Dawn’  Drawing Available  Full Sun Blooms June–September.
6 $20.00 SOLD OUT!
x Gordlinia grandiflora Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Mountain Gordlinia Blooms July–September
7 $22.75 SOLD OUT!

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