Late Dutch Honeysuckle

Entrancing hummingbirds and butterflies, our superb no-fuss selections are hardy, undemanding and appreciative of adequately moist fertile soil. Medium Band.
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Serotina’ (S-0350)
Each 17.75

Samuel Pepys called it the trumpet flower and wrote, “The bugles blow scent instead of sound.” ‘Serotina’ bears multitudes of spidery-looking, fuchsia-colored buds, which open into pink, sweet-smelling bugles that later fade to a creamy salmon color. You can prune this vigorous semideciduous vine to make it more shrublike or let its bluish green foliage climb into the branches of a Cercidiphyllum.
Blooms June–September
Size: 6' 0" – 8' 0" high x 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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