Prairie Smoke

Grecian Rose
The Greek name for this genus, which means “to give a taste of,” only hints at the flavor of happiness it brings to our garden. The cheerful flowers are held on sturdy stems above attractive basal clumps of fuzzy leaves. Given good drainage and ample moisture, these robust perennials thrive with minimal care.

A small-statured inhabitant of our American prairies from Michigan to Washington and throughout most of the West, this aptly named charmer touts adorable, nodding creamy-white bells with flared mulberry-colored calyces, fanciful fruit and pinnately divided fern-like green leaves amid a rugged persona. The fading blooms, which generally occur in threes, give way to elongated 3 in. tall styles, creating prominent, smoke-shaped silver-pink plumes and fluffy seed heads beloved by birds, butterflies and floral designers. Acquiescent to dry, sandy or clay soil, ‘Prairie Smoke’ can be massed along a path or tucked into a sunny well-drained rock garden, where its fine details, downy-soft semievergreen foliage plus red, purple or orange fall colors are easily savored.
Blooms April–June
Size: 12" – 18" high x 12" – 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 3.
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Other selections in this genus:
- Geum ‘Beech House Apricot’
- Geum ‘Bell Bank’
- Geum x ‘Flames of Passion’
- Geum ‘Georgenberg’
- Geum ‘Gimlet’
- Geum ‘Mango Lassi’
- Geum ‘Prinses Juliana’
- Geum quellyon var. flora plena ‘Blazing Sunset’
- Geum rivale ‘Lemon Drops’
- Geum rivale ‘Leonard′s Variety’
- Geum ‘Rubin’
- Geum ‘Starkers Magnificum’
- Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’