Slender Veldt Grass

Fountain Grass
The soft inflorescences take their name from the Latin words penna and seta meaning feather-bristle. This alluring grass is a favorite, distinguished by arching, feathery bottlebrush flowers spilling over a cascading mound of foliage. A warm season grower, Fountain Grass welcomes hot weather and is widely distributed in both tropical and temperate areas.
Pennisetum spathiolatum (G-0511)
Each 13.00

A denizen of South Africa, this drought tolerant evergreen grass has low-growing narrow dark green blades that provide a verdant contrast to its caramel-colored tapers. The dense, abundantly produced inflorescences hover on jointed nearly invisible stems, some 2 to 3 ft. tall, while fashioning a playful see-through veil. Especially mesmerizing when grouped in a dry creek bed, a meadow or a water-wise garden, the Slender Veldt Grass asks only for a well-drained abode.
Blooms June–October
Size: 3' 0" – 4-1/2' high x 2' 0" wide.
Zone 6/7.
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- Pennisetum orientale
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