
Lupine or Bluebonnet
Laden with tightset pealike blossoms, Lupine’s sweetly scented, 10 to 12 in. spikes tower above good-looking foliage. Radiating out, like the fingers of a hand, rich green leaves collect glistening beads of water with their silky hairs.
Developed by George Russell, an English plantsman, these stately, June blooming hybrids present one of the longest and most spectacular floral parades at that time. A lover of cool weather and moist, well drained soil, Bluebonnets detest hot, humid conditions, and look their best planted in groups. We cultivated the following Russell hybrids from seed.
Each $10.75

Natty lance-shaped deep green leaflets lining sturdy stems premier an AGM-worthy display of dazzling spires that are densely laden with pea-like, nectar-rich garnet, rosy-red and crimson blossoms. Developed by George Russel, an English plantsman, these grand early summer bloomers love cool weather and moist well-drained niches, but detest hot humid conditions.
Blooms June–August
Size: 3-1/3' high x 12" – 16" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Lupinus ‘Noble Maiden’ (P-1123)
Each $10.75
‘Noble Maiden’ lays claim to her name, featuring lofty towers of creamy white blossoms and deeply fingered foliage.
Blooms May–June.
Size: 3-1/4' high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.