In lieu of a printed 2024 catalog,
our new plant offerings have been posted on our website. Please look for the new plant symbol New Plant A printed copy of them will be available upon request.


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(PPAF) = Propagation of this plant prohibited without a license.

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Quick links to the winter blooming plants in our catalog

Bright up those dreary winter months with some winter blooming plants. Here's a list of Digging Dog's selections which bloom for some part of December, January, or February.

Click on the name of any of the plants to view that plant's page.

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Perennials  Grasses  Shrubs  Trees & Vines

Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Brunnera macrophylla Photo Available   Partial Shade Blooms mid-February–June
4 $11.75
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Alexanders Great’ Photo Available   Partial Shade Blooms mid-February–June
4 $13.15
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Dawsons White’ Photo Available   Partial Shade Blooms mid-February–June
4 $11.25 SOLD OUT!
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Hadspen Cream’ Photo Available   Partial Shade Blooms mid-February–June
4 $14.25
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ Photo Available   Partial Shade Blooms mid-February–June
4 $13.15
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Mr. Morse’    Partial Shade Blooms mid-February–June
4 $15.75
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Silver Wings’ Photo Available   Partial Shade Blooms mid-February–June
4 $12.15
Bulbinella nutans Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms February–March
8 $10.50 SOLD OUT!
Corydalis flexuosa ‘Pere David’ Photo Available   Partial Shade Blooms February–July
4 $11.25
Cyclamen coum Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms February–March
5 $10.75
Cyclamen coum ‘Silver Leaf’ Photo Available   Shade Lover  New Plant  Drought Tolerant Blooms February–March
5 $11.75 SOLD OUT!
Cyclamen hederifolium ‘Silver Leaf Pink’ Photo Available   Partial Shade Blooms January–February
5 $11.75
Epimedium x rubrum Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms February–March
5 $14.25
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Euphorbia polychroma ‘Candy’ Photo Available   Full Sun Blooms February–May
5 $11.00
Helleborus argutifolius Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Corsican Hellebore Blooms February–April
6 $11.75
Helleborus x ballardiae ‘HGC Pink Frost’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms January–March
5 $17.25 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus foetidus ‘Wester Flisk’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms February–April
5 $12.50
Helleborus ‘Grape Galaxy (Winter Thriller™)’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–March
4 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus ‘HGC Diva’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms December–March
5 $17.75 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus ‘HGC Ice n’ Roses® ‘Merlot’’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms December–March
5 $17.75 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus ‘HGC Ice ’n Roses® ′Rose’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover  New Plant Blooms November–mid-February
5 $17.75
Helleborus x hybridus Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–April
4 $15.00 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Amber Gem’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Winter Jewels® Hellebore Blooms February–April
5 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Black Diamond’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Winter Jewels® Hellebore Blooms February–April
5 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Blue Metallic Lady’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms February–March
5 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Jade Tiger’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Winter Jewels® Hellebore Blooms February–April
5 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Mardi Gras Slate Shades’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–March
5 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Onyx Odyssey’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Winter Jewels® Hellebore Blooms January–April
5 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Painted’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Winter Jewels® Hellebore Blooms January–April
5 $17.25 SOLD OUT
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Painted Doubles’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Winter Jewels® Hellebore Blooms January–April
5 $17.50
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Picotee Lady’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–April
5 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Picotee Pearl’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover  New Plant Winter Jewels® Hellebore Blooms January–April
5 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Red Lady’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–March
5 $17.25 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Red Sapphire’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Winter Jewels® Hellebore Blooms February–April
5 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Sparkling Diamond’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Winter Jewels® Hellebore Blooms February–April
5 $17.50
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Sun Flare’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover  New Plant Winter Jewels® Hellebore Blooms January–April
5 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x hybridus ‘White Lady Spotted’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–April.
5 $17.25 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus x lemonnierae ‘HGC Madame Lemonnier’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms November–February
5 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus ‘Midnight Ruffles’  Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–March.
4 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus niger ‘HGC Jonas’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms November–January
5 $17.75 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus niger ‘HGC Jacob’    Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms December–March
5 $17.75 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus niger ‘HGC Joseph Lemper’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms November–February
5 $17.75 SOLD OUT!
Helleborus ‘Red Racer’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–March.
4 $17.25 SOLD OUT!
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Helleborus ‘Sunshine Ruffles’  Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January-March
4 $17.75 SOLD OUT!
Primula ‘Dunbeg’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Kennedy Irish Primrose Series Blooms February–April
4 $11.25 SOLD OUT!
Primula x polyantha ‘Dawn Ansell’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Partial Shade Blooms February–April
5 $11.25 SOLD OUT!
Primula vulgaris ssp subthorpii ‘’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Primrose Blooms February?April
5 $10.15 SOLD OUT!
Pulmonaria angustifolia ‘Blaues Meer’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms February-April
4 $11.50
Pulmonaria ‘Diana Clare’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms late February–April
4 $11.50
Pulmonaria longifolia ‘Bertram Anderson’    Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms February–April
4 $11.50
Pulmonaria ‘Roy Davidson’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms mid-February–May.
4 $11.50
Pulmonaria saccharata ‘Dora Bielefeld’    Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms February–April.
4 $11.50 SOLD OUT!
Pulmonaria saccharata ‘Highdown’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Bethlehem Sage Blooms February–April.
4 $11.50 SOLD OUT!
Pulmonaria saccharata ‘Sissinghurst White’ Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Blooms February–April
4 $11.50 SOLD OUT!
Salvia holwayi Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms October–December.
9 $10.00
Schizostylis coccinea ‘Alba’    Full Sun Blooms September – December.
6 $10.00 SOLD OUT!
Schizostylis coccinea ‘Sunrise’ Photo Available   Full Sun Blooms September–December.
6 $10.00 SOLD OUT!
Viola odorata var. sulfurea Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Sweet Violet Blooms February–April
4 $10.75

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Perennials  Grasses  Shrubs  Trees & Vines

Ornamental Grasses
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Avalanche’ Photo Available   Full Sun Blooms May–January
5 $10.25
Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Eldorado’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms May–December
4 $10.25
Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun Karl Foerster’s Feather Reed Grass Blooms May–January
5 $10.25
Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Schottland’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Scottish Tufted Hair Grass Blooms July–December
4 $11.00
Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Tardiflora’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Golden Tufted Hair Grass Blooms July–December
4 $11.00
Miscanthus ‘Purpurascens’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Flame Grass Blooms July–February
5 $12.75
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’    Full Sun Silver Variegated Maiden Grass Blooms September–December
5 $12.75
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Sarabande’    Full Sun Blooms August-December.
4 $12.75
Muhlenbergia capillaris Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Pink Muhly Blooms September–early December
6 $11.75
Muhlenbergia capillaris ‘Pink Cloud’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms September–early December
6 $12.15 SOLD OUT!
Muhlenbergia capillaris ‘White Cloud’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade White Awn Muhly Blooms September–early December
6 $12.15 SOLD OUT!
Muhlenbergia lindheimeri Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Lindheimer’s Muhly Blooms September–December
7 $11.50
Muhlenbergia rigens Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Deer Grass Blooms September–December
7 $11.50
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Stipa ramosissima    Full Sun Pillar of Smoke Blooms February–September
9 $11.50 SOLD OUT!
Thamnochortus spicigerus    Full Sun Blooms October–December.
8 $14.25 SOLD OUT

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Perennials  Grasses  Shrubs  Trees & Vines

Ornamental Shrubs
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Arctostaphylos hookeri ‘Wayside’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Monterey Manzanita Blooms February–April
8 $13.25 SOLD OUT!
Chimonanthus praecox    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms December–February
Correa alba (Bronze Select) Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January – March.
8 $10.75
Edgeworthia chrysantha ‘Akebono’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun  Partial Shade Red Paper Bush Blooms late-February–March
7 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Edgeworthia chrysantha ‘Nanjing Gold’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Gold Paper Bush Blooms mid-February–March
8 $17.50 SOLD OUT!
Erica carnea ‘Ann Sparkes’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms February – March
4 $10.75
Erica carnea ‘Golden Starlet’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms December–March
5 $10.75
Erica carnea ‘King George’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms December–March
5 $10.75 SOLD OUT!
Erica carnea ‘Myretoun Ruby’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms December–March
5 $10.75
Erica carnea ‘Pink Spangles’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–March
5 $10.75
Erica carnea ‘Schneekuppe’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–March
5 $10.75 SOLD OUT!
Erica carnea ‘Springwood Pink’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms October–January
5 $10.75
Erica carnea ‘Springwood White’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms October–January
5 $10.75
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Erica carnea ‘Vivelli’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms October–January
5 $10.75
Erica x darleyensis ‘Furzey’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms October–January
5 $10.75
Erica x darleyensis ‘Kramer’s Red’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms November–January
5 $10.75 SOLD OUT!
Erica x darleyensis ‘Margaret Porter’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–May
5 $10.75 SOLD OUT!
Erica x darleyensis ‘Mary Helen’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms February–April
5 $10.75 SOLD OUT!
Erica erigena f. aureifolia ‘Golden Lady’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms January–April
7 $10.75
Erica erigena ‘W. T. Rackliff’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms October–January
7 $10.75
Mahonia x media ‘Charity’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Blooms late November–February.
7 $15.75 SOLD OUT!
Ribes sanguineum ‘King Edward VII’ Photo Available   Full Sun  Partial Shade Red Winter Currant Blooms mid-February–early May
6 $16.00
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Blue Spires’    Full Sun Blooms January–April
7 $10.25
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Herb Cottage’    Full Sun Blooms January–April
8 $10.25
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Irene’ Photo Available   Full Sun Blooms January–April
8 $10.25 SOLD OUT!
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Lady In White’    Full Sun Blooms January–April
7 $10.25
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Madeline Hill’    Full Sun Blooms January–April
6 $10.25
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Majorca Pink’    Full Sun Blooms January–May
8 $10.25
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Maltese White’    Full Sun Blooms January–April.
8 $10.25 SOLD OUT!
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Santa Barbara Blue’    Full Sun Blooms January–May.
8 $10.25
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Sawyer’s Blue’    Full Sun Blooms January – April.
8 $10.25 SOLD OUT!
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Taylor’s Blue’ Photo Available   Full Sun Blooms January – April.
8 $10.25 SOLD OUT!
Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Winter Gem’    Partial Shade  Shade Lover Dwarf Sweetbox Blooms February–April
6 $12.25 SOLD OUT!
Sarcococca ruscifolia Photo Available   Partial Shade  Shade Lover Fragrant Sweetbox Blooms February–early April
7 $12.25
Teucrium fruticans (Select Form) Photo Available   Blooms January–July.
8 $10.50
Teucrium fruticans ‘Azureum’ Photo Available Drawing Available  Full Sun Blooms January–July.
8 $10.50 SOLD OUT!

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Trees & Vines
Plant NameCommon NameNotesHardy ZonePriceOrder
Passiflora ‘Star Of Surbiton’    Full Sun  Partial Shade Passion Vine Blooms June–December
8 $13.75 SOLD OUT!

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Perennials  Grasses  Shrubs  Trees & Vines

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2024 Mini Catalog

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Current Staff’s Favorite Plant

Current Staff’s Favorite Plant

Our feature plant: Primula vulgaris ssp. sibthorpii

Precious Primulas, Prized Pulmonarias and Fabulous Foliage!

Primulas offer elaborately-crafted colorful blooms in varied shapes,……

including draped bells, candelabras, drumsticks and pincushions. Many Primrose flowers  waft a delectable scent. Second-to-none for the dappled recesses of your garden, these easily grown, cold-hardy Primulas crave well-drained, humus-rich niches with adequate moisture and good air circulation. They can grace containers or be planted in swaths along shady walkways or in woodland gardens. Be sure to peruse our online Primulas.

Prized Pulmonarias……

One of the earliest perennials to bloom, you can be picking their enchanting urn-shaped flowers in February while the rest of the garden still slumbers. Many cultivars showcase an array of mercury-hued dapples, speckles and spots, while others sport solid pewter sheens or striking silver streaks. Easy-to-grow Pulmonarias prefer the lacy light of a woodland setting plus cool moist soil. Our newsletter also includes a handful of other shade-loving perennials that promise alluring foliage. Many of these perennials can be partnered with Pulmonarias for intriguing foliar contrast. You may wish to check out our online Pulmonaria offerings.

All of us plant and paper wranglers wish you good health and happy digging!

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