White Awn Muhly

Named in honor of G. H. E. Muhlenberg, a botanist who specialized in grasses, this large, varied genus includes some of the most visually stunning and enduring ornamental grasses for today’s landscape. Primarily native to arid range areas of the southern U.S. and Mexico, many Muhlenbergias boast not only arresting inflorescences and foliage, but an exceptional tolerance to heat, sun and drought, plus limited amounts of dappled shade each day, as long as the soil has sharp drainage.

In an illuminated departure from the native species, the delicately branched nearly transparent panicles spawn a white wispy mass along the upper reaches of sleek, dark green blades. With cloud-like inflorescences that brighten the garden well after the first frosts, this orderly clumping Muhly is both splendid and stalwart and can be effectively utilized as a specimen.
Blooms September–early December
Size: 3' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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