Fragrant Sweetbox


Nearly identical to it’s handsome cousin, Sarcococca humilis, save only for a larger stature, this natty Sweetbox’s compact quiet beauty delivers a wintertime delight when small tassel-like milk-white blooms waft a delectable vanilla scent. Graceful arching stems, densely cloaked in polished deer-resistant dark green leaves, are festooned with globular blood red berries, which eventually turn black and impart additional early season appeal. An 1887 discovery in central China by Scottish physician Augustine Henry, easy-care Sarcococca ruscifolia endures deep shade as well as somewhat dry soil and can be hedged, planted near a well-traveled pathway or trained upwards on a patio wall as an evergreen espalier.
Blooms February–early April
Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 3' 0" – 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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