Red Paper Bush

Paper Bush
These remarkable Asian Daphne relative promise an unprecedented late winter flower-fest.

Delivering a late winter visual delight, prominent silky white button-like buds give way to small waxy tubular blooms with luscious tangerine orange shades and a pleasant fragrance. The unique tightset clusters congregate on the tips of erect yet pliable, smooth silver-laced naked branches, which develop in a noteworthy open fashion. Lustrous deep green 4 in. long deciduous leaves arise from the stem apexes. A prized source for high-end paper and a Daphne relation, this Asian native’s slow growing rounded habit enjoys a partially shady somewhat moist sheltered locale, while its exotic flair can be superimposed against a dark backdrop and surrounded by low-lying Epimediums and Sarcococca.
Blooms late-February–March
Size: 5' 0" – 6' 0" high x 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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