Culver's Root
These vigorous American denizens promote an obliging stalwart demeanor plus welcome late summer flowers. A nectar feast for the butterflies, Vernonia can be peppered throughout meadow plantings and native landscapes, accompanying chums such as Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’, Eupatorium ‘Riesenschirm’ and Sporobolus ‘Tara’.

We owe a round of applause to Dr. Allen Armitage for his University of Georgia plant trials, which produced this highly acclaimed selection of Arkansas resident, Vernonia lettermannii. Distinguished by dainty-looking thread-like green leaves, the robust, yet compact, attractively branched mounding habit affords small, tubular bright purple blooms housed in showy terminal sprays. Possessing both a herculean mettle and ultrafine texture, ‘Iron Butterfly’ demands free-draining niches, extends seasonal interest with warm rusty-toned autumn flowers plus triumphs over hot dry conditions as well as sandy, infertile rock-strewn sites.
Blooms August–September
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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