Culver's Root
These vigorous American denizens promote an obliging stalwart demeanor plus welcome late summer flowers. A nectar feast for the butterflies, Vernonia can be peppered throughout meadow plantings and native landscapes, accompanying chums such as Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’, Eupatorium ‘Riesenschirm’ and Sporobolus ‘Tara’.
Hats off to esteemed plant breeder Jim Ault from the Chicago Botanical Garden for this winning midsized Vernonia lettermannii and Vernonia angustifolia hybrid. Composed of thin violet-tinged olive-green leaves, the bushy fine-textured habit promotes an overall rich rubescent tone beneath copious deep purple flowers. Steadfast long branching stalks are uniquely intertwined and remain upright, even during storms, while supporting plump capitula packed with late season, long-lasting florets that tantalize bees, moths and butterflies. Adaptable to moist and dry conditions, ‘Summer’s Swan Song’ can be utilized singularly or planted en masse in well-drained mixed borders, pollinator gardens and near water’s edge, where it boasts impressive rust and mildew resistance. (pp#28,556)
Blooms September–October
Size: 2-1/2' high x 2-1/2' – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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