New York Ironweed
Culver's Root
These vigorous American denizens promote an obliging stalwart demeanor plus welcome late summer flowers. A nectar feast for the butterflies, Vernonia can be peppered throughout meadow plantings and native landscapes, accompanying chums such as Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’, Eupatorium ‘Riesenschirm’ and Sporobolus ‘Tara’.
A flashy new 2014 Jelitto Seeds introduction, this quibble-free white-blooming version of New York Ironweed propels erect upright stalks, densely cloaked in serrated, lanceolate green leaves, buoying fluffy delicate plumes of narrow-petaled creamy-white daisies. Followed by decorative seed heads, the long-lasting late season blooms make bright additions to cut arrangements and entice many garden visitors, especially bees and butterflies. ‘White Lightening’s clumping bushy habit can be massed or planted as a striking focal point for a somewhat informal venue, where it will readily adapt to variable conditions.
Blooms August–October
Size: 6' 0" high x 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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