Hailing from the world’s temperate regions, these endearing hardy selections are reliably perennial. They prosper in bright shade with fertile, well-drained and evenly moist soil.
Touted as one of the darkest hued flowers in cultivation, this long blooming Viola will indeed work some magic wherever it’s planted. Each large, 1 in. wide edible flower possesses sumptuous jet black hues and a small sunny yellow eye that’s rimmed with violet above a compact, grassy green dainty-leafed clump. ‘Black Magic’s low growing heat tolerant habit promises oodles of blossoms throughout the cooler months, an autumn encore if trimmed back and renewed vigor following a September dividing.
Blooms May–September.
Size: 6" – 8" high x 6" – 8" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Viola cornuta ‘Bowles Black’ (P-1290)
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Violets have long been associated with faithfulness, and this delicate beauty holds true to her promise, blooming nonstop from spring until frost. Lifted on thin stems just above small, green scalloped leaves, the lavish display of dainty, midnight black flowers achieves a velvet luxury as deep purple accents surround golden eyes. Always appreciative of a good trimming, this compact Violet can be naturalized under a shrub, situated amid Alchemilla erythropoda by the patio or planted in a favored terracotta vessel.
Blooms May–September.
Size: 8" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
Viola odorata var. sulfurea (P-2162)
Each $10.75

While the species conjures the lore of yesteryear, romance and folk remedies, this hard-to-find form saunters throughout Eurasian forest clearings and woodland peripheries, touting large uniquely colored blooms. In early spring, pastel creamy-yellow hues and a touch of apricot suffuse the lightly scented pollinator-friendly flowers above heart-shaped glabrous greenery. Slow-spreading, long-lived stolons forge a carefree, low evergreen presence that can embellish patio containers, naturalized areas and other shady humus-rich niches.
Blooms February–April
Size: 6" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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‘Rebecca’ is treasured for her divine vanilla fragrance and tidy compact clumps of dapper evergreen foliage. All are equally captivating, though no two are alike, each ebullient white flower showcases a creamy lemon flushed center and irregularly patterned, deep violet edges. This sweet smelling Viola should be ensconced near a well-traveled path or seating area, where its plentiful color flecked flowers can be easily relished ‘till the first hard frost.
Blooms May – mid-October.
Size: 8" – 10" high x 10" – 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Viola walteri ‘Silver Gem’ (P-1825)
Each $10.75

Originating as a chance seedling in Bibb County, Alabama, and recently introduced by Delaware's Mt. Cuba Center, this dazzling nearly evergreen Viola lives up to its name. Prominent olive green veins and greenish purple reverses distinguish low growing heartshaped silvery leaves that clothe trailing stems and forge a no-nonsense dense mounded ground cover. Energetic, adaptable and drought tolerant once established, 'Silver Gem's dapper appearance is further festooned with a multitude of delicate purple flowers from spring until frost.
Blooms April–September.
Size: 3" – 5" high x 8" – 10" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.