Sweet Violet

Hailing from the world’s temperate regions, these endearing hardy selections are reliably perennial. They prosper in bright shade with fertile, well-drained and evenly moist soil.
Viola odorata var. sulfurea (P-2162)
Each 10.75

While the species conjures the lore of yesteryear, romance and folk remedies, this hard-to-find form saunters throughout Eurasian forest clearings and woodland peripheries, touting large uniquely colored blooms. In early spring, pastel creamy-yellow hues and a touch of apricot suffuse the lightly scented pollinator-friendly flowers above heart-shaped glabrous greenery. Slow-spreading, long-lived stolons forge a carefree, low evergreen presence that can embellish patio containers, naturalized areas and other shady humus-rich niches.
Blooms February–April
Size: 6" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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