Hailing from the world’s temperate regions, these endearing hardy selections are reliably perennial. They prosper in bright shade with fertile, well-drained and evenly moist soil.
Viola cornuta ‘Bowles Black’ (P-1290)
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Violets have long been associated with faithfulness, and this delicate beauty holds true to her promise, blooming nonstop from spring until frost. Lifted on thin stems just above small, green scalloped leaves, the lavish display of dainty, midnight black flowers achieves a velvet luxury as deep purple accents surround golden eyes. Always appreciative of a good trimming, this compact Violet can be naturalized under a shrub, situated amid Alchemilla erythropoda by the patio or planted in a favored terracotta vessel.
Blooms May–September.
Size: 8" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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