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Molinia caerulea ‘Moorhexe’


Moor Grass

Innovative landscape architect Wolfgang Oehme, who included more than a million ornamental grasses in his designs, considered Molinias to be some of the very best performers of them all. Certainly the most kinetically exciting grass, Molinia’s dense arching tufts of deep green foliage offer sturdy stems holding delicate panicles that eventually age to a straw color and last for months. To heighten the drama, consider providing plenty of room and a dark background.

<i>Molinia caerulea</i> ‘Moorhexe’

This easily maintained cool season grass projects formal straight-up accents with its tidy, narrow shaft of taut, slim green blades topped by needle-thin flower stems. Populating open gossamer-like panicles, the spiky dark purple inflorescences yield plum-brown seed heads, a stunning complement to the saffron-hued autumn foliar tones. Second-to-none for seaside or prairie schemes, a border, rockery or gravel garden, ‘Moorhexe’s compelling vertical silhouette effectively offsets lower growing plants like Potentilla atrosanguinea and Aster ‘Dream of Beauty’.

Blooms July–November

Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

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Current Staff’s Favorite Plant

Current Staff’s Favorite Plant

Our feature plant: Primula vulgaris ssp. sibthorpii

Precious Primulas, Prized Pulmonarias and Fabulous Foliage!

Primulas offer elaborately-crafted colorful blooms in varied shapes,……

including draped bells, candelabras, drumsticks and pincushions. Many Primrose flowers  waft a delectable scent. Second-to-none for the dappled recesses of your garden, these easily grown, cold-hardy Primulas crave well-drained, humus-rich niches with adequate moisture and good air circulation. They can grace containers or be planted in swaths along shady walkways or in woodland gardens. Be sure to peruse our online Primulas.

Prized Pulmonarias……

One of the earliest perennials to bloom, you can be picking their enchanting urn-shaped flowers in February while the rest of the garden still slumbers. Many cultivars showcase an array of mercury-hued dapples, speckles and spots, while others sport solid pewter sheens or striking silver streaks. Easy-to-grow Pulmonarias prefer the lacy light of a woodland setting plus cool moist soil. Our newsletter also includes a handful of other shade-loving perennials that promise alluring foliage. Many of these perennials can be partnered with Pulmonarias for intriguing foliar contrast. You may wish to check out our online Pulmonaria offerings.

All of us plant and paper wranglers wish you good health and happy digging!

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