(‛Chardonnay Pearls’®)

Closely related to Philadelphus, these deciduous Asian shrubs are named after Johann van der Deutz, a lawyer, town councilor and amateur botanist from Amsterdam. Gracing the garden with a lovely long lasting profusion of flowers, Deutzias are simple to cultivate in any well-drained fertile soil.
Deutzia gracilis ‘Duncan’ (S-0605)
Each 14.75

Drink in the pearlescent splendor of this spirited vintage whose frosty star-shaped blossoms sparkle amid burn resistant and serrated lemon-green foliage. Exploding from clustered immaculately white buds, the delicate flowers adorn gently arching branches. A luminous companion for Viburnum ‘Molly Schroeder’s deep greenery, with the small textural leaves of Ajuga ‘Emerald Chip’ skirting below, ‘Chardonnay Pearl’s orderly profile assures a bright crispness all season. (pp16,098)
Blooms late May–early June
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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