Closely related to Philadelphus, these deciduous Asian shrubs are named after Johann van der Deutz, a lawyer, town councilor and amateur botanist from Amsterdam. Gracing the garden with a lovely long lasting profusion of flowers, Deutzias are simple to cultivate in any well-drained fertile soil.

A Deutzia longifolia and Deutzia discolor hybrid, this bushy medium-sized deciduous shrub champions sumptuous, softly scented conical panicles. The bee-friendly, 5-petaled rich rosy-magenta blooms are garnished with creamy-white picotee edges plus pale pink centers amid ovate green foliage and arching stems. Quibble-free, responsive to pruning and grateful for adequately moist, humus-endowed enclaves, ‘Strawberry Fields’ rapidly develops a rounded, upright multistemmed habit, embellishing slopes, foundation plantings, mixed borders or informal hedges.
Blooms May–June
Size: 4' 0" – 5' 0" high x 4' 0" – 5' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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