
Closely related to Philadelphus, these deciduous Asian shrubs are named after Johann van der Deutz, a lawyer, town councilor and amateur botanist from Amsterdam. Gracing the garden with a lovely long lasting profusion of flowers, Deutzias are simple to cultivate in any well-drained fertile soil.
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This exuberant bloomer parades dense frothy clusters of striking star-styled flowers, gradating in color from deep to light pink with white at the base and along the margins of each pretty petal. Opposite elliptical green leaves line long gracefully arching stems and older stalks, which sport exfoliating reddish brown bark. A robust easily cultivated hybrid between Deutzia longifolia and Deutzia discolor, ‘Monzia’ is well-suited for a mixed border or an informal hedge, where its deciduous upright visage and amazing floriferous display appreciate good drainage, moderate fertility and an occasional hard pruning.
Blooms May–June
Size: 7' 0" high x 5' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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