Our graceful Viburnum selections promise lovely spring blooms, winsome deciduous greenery and an enduring cold-hardiness. Preferring sun or part shade plus adequately-moist garden soil, these easily grown shrubs can be lodged in large containers and shrubby borders, or highlighted as stellar specimens and planted en masse.

The most outstanding feature of this undemanding deciduous Viburnum is its horizontal growth habit, with flowers and fruit in parallel rows along the branches. ‘Shasta’ boasts deeply veined dark green foliage with a light fuzz on the underside, and glowing purple-red at summer’s end. Profuse, white flower clusters and shiny fruit abound in true Viburnum style.
Blooms April–May
Size: 6' 0" – 8' 0" high x 8' 0" – 10' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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Other selections in this genus:
- Viburnum x burkwoodii ‘Anne Russell’
- Viburnum x burkwoodii ‘Conoy’
- Viburnum x burkwoodii ‘Mohawk’
- Viburnum carlesii
- Viburnum carlesii ‘Diana’
- Viburnum ‘Cayuga’
- Viburnum opulus ‘Smnvodr’
- Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ‘Molly Schroeder’
- Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum ‘Mary Milton’
- Viburnum plicatum f plicatum ‘Popcorn’
- Viburnum plicatum f tomentosum ‘Summer Snowflake’