Toad Lily
Some say this fascinating species owes its common name to the Philippine Tasaday Indians’ practice of wiping their hands with juice from the blossoms before setting out to collect frogs. Others say it’s the unusual spotted flowers that account for the name. Whichever story is true, the blooms have such detail and quiet beauty that they should be admired close up. They open on gently arching stems for long periods in late summer and early fall, when most other flowers are already spent. With a moist, humus-rich soil, all the Toad Lilies will form elegant clumps.
Glittering Lily-like white flowers coupled with a gracefully arching silhouette are the keynotes of this undemanding hirta hybrid. Poised at stem tips and the upper leaf axils, the exquisite clustered blooms showcase decorative lavender-pink anthers amid attractive broadly-ovate foliage that clasps the fuzzy stalks. A hearty compact perennial, ‘White Towers’s late season blooms tantalize bees and floral designers plus illuminate kindred moisture lovers such as Begonia grandis ssp. evansiana, Kirengeshoma palmata and Rodgersia ‘Elegans’ in shady borders and wooded settings.
Blooms September–October
Size: 2-1/2' high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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