According to legend, Saint Veronica used her handkerchief to soothe Christ’s brow, and forever after, it bore markings that are supposedly replicated in these long blooming Speedwell flowers. Flourishing in sunny, well drained sites, our Veronica selections are undemanding, and deliver dazzling color to the summer border.
Veronica ‘Whitewater’ (P-2305)
Each 11.25

Discovered by John Wachter and introduced by the Chicago Botanic Garden, this lush-looking evergreen ground cover arose as a Veronica ‘Waterperry Blue’ sport. Creeping wiry stems plus glossy, notched dark green leaves are embellished with long-blooming petite pure white flowers that beckon butterflies, hummingbirds and plant lovers. Most effective when massed, ‘Whitewater’s steadfast mat-like habit appreciates good drainage, resists deer and rabbits, casts warm maroon-bronze tones during cool weather plus softens pathways, stone walls and containers.
Blooms June–July
Size: 4" – 8" high x 12" – 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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