Gracing gardens since the 16th century, these marvelous blooms inspired their name, which translates to “basin” in Latin or “globe” in German. Globeflowers are undemanding perennials that look best in drifts and are the perfect choice for the water’s edge, a boggy spot or the border, granted a moisture-retentive, organic-rich soil and shelter from hot sun. A sterling addition to bouquets, the Buttercup-like blossoms surmount straight stems above handsome deeply-divided glossy leaves and promise a long summer fling with regular deadheading.
Trollius stenopetalus (P-2304)
Each 11.75

Indigenous to the mountainous regions in northern Burma and western China, this seldom-offered long-lived perennial premiers gorgeous large semidouble flowers with sunshine-hued petals encompassing a decorative ring of frilly yellow stamens. Stately upright stems plus deeply incised palmate leaves make a bold polished foundation for the open-faced midsummer blooms that lure bees, floral designers and plant-enthusiasts alike. Most effective when featured en masse, Trollius stenopetalus’s energetic trouble-free stance cheers moist borders, watersides and boggy areas.
Blooms June–July
Size: 2' 0" – 2-1/2' high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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