Gracing gardens since the 16th century, these marvelous blooms inspired their name, which translates to “basin” in Latin or “globe” in German. Globeflowers are undemanding perennials that look best in drifts and are the perfect choice for the water’s edge, a boggy spot or the border, granted a moisture-retentive, organic-rich soil and shelter from hot sun. A sterling addition to bouquets, the Buttercup-like blossoms surmount straight stems above handsome deeply-divided glossy leaves and promise a long summer fling with regular deadheading.
Trollius europaeus ‘Superbus’ (P-1412)
Each 11.75
Distinguished by overlapping, incurved petals bathed in cool lemon-yellows, beautiful globes gracefully alight foot long olive-green stems. A polished foliar mass grounds the bounteous one to two in. blooms. Maintaining a fresh look even when exposed to drier conditions, the large richly green leaves are rounded and divided into 5 parts with each lobed leaflet emargined by prominent teeth.
Blooms June–July.
Size: 2' 0" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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