Meadow Checkermallow

Prairie Mallow
Indigenous to western and central North America, these easily grown Mallow family members are adored for their 5-petaled Hollyhock-like blooms that embellish terminal racemes above a basal clump of attractive toothed greenery. Well-drained sites, cool summers, shelter from strong winds and a fall cutback ensure their prosperity, while hot humid weather makes them sulk.
Each 11.25

A largely extinct wildflower indigenous to Oregon’s Willamette Valley and several small areas in Washington, this long-lived easy-care clumping perennial is touted as one of the best butterfly plants in the Pacific Northwest. Short thick rhizomes sustain an attractive fast-growing foundation of tall, strong-branched hairy stalks and rounded, fuzzy gray-green leaves that are palmately divided into toothed segments with pointed tips. Providing untold ornamental merit plus a reliable nectar source for native bees and hummingbirds, pretty cup-shaped white to soft pink blooms clutched by fleecy green calyces embellish the openly-arranged upright spires. Amenable Meadow Checkermallow can be added to cut creations, pollinator gardens or woodland edges, where it appreciates good drainage and endures dry conditions once established.
Blooms late May–July
Size: 3' 0" – 6' 0" high x 12" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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