Checker Bloom

Prairie Mallow
Indigenous to western and central North America, these easily grown Mallow family members are adored for their 5-petaled Hollyhock-like blooms that embellish terminal racemes above a basal clump of attractive toothed greenery. Well-drained sites, cool summers, shelter from strong winds and a fall cutback ensure their prosperity, while hot humid weather makes them sulk.
Sidalcea malviflora ‘Palustre’ (P-2112)
Each 11.50

While California’s native Sidalcea malviflora roams our wild grasslands, this vigorous evergreen selection can endow your garden with Hollyhock-like blooms atop thick, scalloped dark-hued greenery. The close-knit carpet-like habit manifests a bevy of butterfly-friendly cup-shaped deep rosy-pink flowers that unfurl all summer long. Abiding dry conditions as well as gophers, Checker Bloom makes a handsome small-scale ground cover for meadows, borders or coastal plantings and looks its best when watered moderately.
Blooms June–mid-September
Size: 6" – 10" high x 12" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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