Mohr's Rosinweed

Each 11.25

Limited to regions of Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia, this charming American Aster relation asserts a compelling architectural presence. The large, lance-shaped green basal leaves, some 10-15 in. long, sporting fine textured, dense bristly hairs, decrease in size as they ascend strong, branched fuzzy stems. Adored by birds, bees and butterflies, plentiful slightly fragrant clusters gather 2 in. daisy-like pale yellow flowers that afford a long, late season hurrah. Known to be peppered amid Liatris and Baptisia in Pennsylvania’s renowned Chanticleer garden, clumping S. mohrii makes a topnotch addition to perennial borders or naturalized plantings, where it craves a moderately dry rocky spot with low fertility and good drainage.
Blooms July–October
Size: 2' 0" – 5' 0" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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