Milkweed, Butterfly Weed
A big-time butterfly attraction, particularly for the Monarch at larval stage, this American-born perennial promises an irresistible, long-lasting summertime display in a well-drained mixed border or more informal venue. The Milkweed's showy flowers look exceptional in cut arrangements, either fresh or dried, while its seed pods lend decorative accents.

One of the most garden-worthy of all the Milkweeds, this brilliant orange flowered butterfly and hummingbird mecca can be found roaming many eastern and southern North American roadsides, prairies, glades and fields. Tuberous roots, narrow lance-shaped green leaves and clumping, upright hairy stems support the showy flattened dense umbels and unique, slim, satiny tailed seed pods. A recent recipient of the 2017 PPA as well as a rugged, yet long-blooming contender for borders, massed plantings or stylized meadows, Butterfly Weed can handle deer, drought, erosion and shallow rocky soil, but detests poorly drained sites.
Blooms July–September
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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