Kin to the native Gaura lindheimeri found growing in Texas and Louisiana, our long-lived ornamental selections celebrate an open, lighthearted stance that’s well-suited for native or more natural-style plantings. Sun-loving Gauras are characterized by narrow stalkless leaves and branched flower spikes, which produce a multitude of buds and 1 in. wide blossoms, unfurling several at a time.
Gaura lindheimeri ‘White Heron’ (P-1838)
Each 11.25

Growing as a bushy well-branched perennial, ‘White Heron’s attractive, somewhat smaller upright stature is defined by dark slender stalks clad in lance-shaped medium green leaves. An ethereal plethora of white flowers, embellished by long wispy white stamens, matures to light pink atop thin stems for an eye-catching, four month long offering. This recently introduced cold-hardy Gaura signals cooler weather with wine-colored striations and appreciates lean sharp-draining soil as well as periodic deadheading.
Blooms June–October
Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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