Our selections emphasize pearly flanneled leaves and tidy unflappable habits that readily acquiesce to hot, dry desolate sites. Well-drained soil ensures Horehound’s prosperity, while other drought tolerant plants such as Oregano, Thyme and Lavender make ideal companions.

A stellar silvery perennial for the moonlit garden, this tough Mediterranean herb spotlights felted, scalloped and toothed gray-green leaves with white woolly undersides, staged beneath snowy whorled flowers.
Dry, well-drained niches make Horehound prosper, while other drought tolerant plants such as Oregano, Thyme and Lavender make ideal companions. Acquiescent to intense heat and otherwise unflappable, it also has medicinal uses, yielding an essential oil that exhibits strong antimicrobial properties
Blooms June – July.
Size: 16" high x 18" – 20" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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