Our selections emphasize pearly flanneled leaves and tidy unflappable habits that readily acquiesce to hot, dry desolate sites. Well-drained soil ensures Horehound’s prosperity, while other drought tolerant plants such as Oregano, Thyme and Lavender make ideal companions.
Each 10.00

Soft-as-velvet, crinkle-edged and reminiscent of scallop shells, the diminutive rounded leaves are ash green on top and a fuzzy frosted celadon below. Tightset textural foliage and downy white stems weave a low, pearl-hued cushion-like mat that stages leafy flower stems with whorled, small rosy mauve blooms. Possessing an unwavering tenacity, this good-looking evergreen ground cover cavorts throughout southern Spain and northwest Africa, and can charm a niche in the rockery or along a path in your garden.
Blooms June–July.
Size: 10" – 12" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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