Peruvian Lily
These stunning plants add an exotic touch to the border and a refined look to any flower arrangement with their elaborate blend of vivaciously colored and intricately marked flowers. The Lily-like blooms are borne in large heads above bushy spreading clumps of linear foliage. Thriving in well-drained soil, Alstroemerias need protection from intense sun and extreme winters. Mulch heavily in colder areas or try planting in a container, bringing them into a cool garden room for the winter.

Highlighted by orchid pink, lilac and rose colors, and boldly patterned with numerous wine-colored dashes, the bright white petals of this Alstroemeria will leave you spellbound. Superimpose against a dark green hedge or plant amid white flowering Francoa sonchifolia and Gaura ‘So White’, and a memorable sight is yours for the viewing!
Blooms June – August
Size: 2-1/2' high x 2' 0" & spreading wide.
Hardy to zone 8.
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Other selections in this genus:
- Alstroemeria ‘Casablanca’
- Alstroemeria ‘Champagne’
- Alstroemeria ‘Compact Red’
- Alstroemeria ‘Duchess d’Anjou Beatrice’
- Alstroemeria ‘Dusty Rose’
- Alstroemeria ‘Henry’s Violet’
- Alstroemeria ‘Inca Rio®’
- Alstroemeria majestic ‘Layon’
- Alstroemeria ‘Marjorie’s Hybrid’
- Alstroemeria ‘Meyer’s Rose’
- Alstroemeria ‘Princess Victoria’
- Alstroemeria ‘Princess Fabiana’
- Alstroemeria ‘Princess Lilian’
- Alstroemeria ‘Rachel’
- Alstroemeria ‘Red Valley’
- Alstroemeria ‘Third Harmonic’
- Alstroemeria violacea ‘Yellow Friendship’