Double Bladder Campion

Silene uniflora ‘Compacta’ (P-1407)
Each 11.25

An all-star ground cover named for its decorative bladder-shaped calyxes, this European Campion stays smothered with dainty five-petaled flowers all summer long. Low gray-green cushions of tiny, lancelike fleshy leaves promote the pink-blushed white blooms and curious rosy sable-colored “balloons” on short, upright branching stems.
Easy going and irresistible, it can be nestled alongside a pathway, in a trough or the rockery, or anywhere its deeply rooted semi-evergreen habit is provided a well drained sunny site.
Blooms June–August.
Size: 6" high x 8" wide.
Hardy to zone 3.
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