Moss Campion
Silene dioica ‘Rolly’s Favorite’ (P-2319)
Each 11.25
Though the nomenclature is questionable, one thing’s for certain—the oodles of delightful white-centered rich pink posies this hybrid Silene delivers. Discovered as a promising chance seedling by Dutch plantsman Gerardus Oudshoorn, the tidy, dense dark green mound furnishes fuzzy, oval-shaped evergreen leaves beneath starry, 1 in. Phlox-style flowers that pollinators and gardeners relish. Its attractive low-growing compact habit abides deer as well as drought, begs good drainage plus looks exceptional en masse, while sprucing up a rockery, pathway, living wall, border frontage or gravel garden. (pp#17,392)
Blooms May–mid-September
Size: 15" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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