Spiked Speedwell

According to legend, Saint Veronica used her handkerchief to soothe Christ’s brow, and forever after, it bore markings that are supposedly replicated in these long blooming Speedwell flowers. Flourishing in sunny, well drained sites, our Veronica selections are undemanding, and deliver dazzling color to the summer border.
Veronica spicata ‘Royal Candles’ (P-1151)
Each 10.75

Plentiful and sumptuously colored, the dense, dark violet-blue tapers crown a compact, noninvasive base of glossy deep green foliage that stays fresh well into fall. Show off this perky new British cultivar right up front with Achillea ‘Marmalade’s cheerful yellow flowers.
Blooms June–July.
Size: 15" – 18" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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