Joe-Pye Weed
Many have discovered the curative aspects of Eupatorium, yet only two have lent it their names: Eupator, a King of Pontus, and a Native American named Joe-Pye. We prescribe these undemanding perennials for whatever ails your garden. Some delegate this rather coarse and undeniably valiant member of the Asteraceae family to meadow gardens, but we’ve found that Eupatorium can provide balance and stability to formal situations as well. Best of all, butterflies love them!

Sumptuous and shiny, crinkled reddish chocolate foliage adorns the erect purple stems of this standout cultivar, selected by Richard Lighty from the eastern native White Snakeroot. With Physocarpus ‘Dart’s Gold’ as a neighbor, Eupatorium ‘Chocolate’ adds rich accents to our mixed border, while in late summer, terminal corymbs of tiny white flowers seem to sparkle against the dark leaves.
Blooms August–September
Size: 4' 0" high x 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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