Western Wild Ginger

Wild Ginger
Stretching out by underground rhizomes, the Wild Gingers are handsome woodland dwellers whose large-leafed, low growing colonies flourish in moist, shady niches. Long petioles elevate their polished, usually heart-shaped foliage while darkly colored, three-lobed blooms add intrigue.

Sojourning in the dark wooded areas of western North America from California to British Columbia and Montana, this lustrous semievergreen perennial presents bold heart-shaped bright green leaves that smell like ginger when they’re crushed. Wide-spreading rhizomes sprout a low somewhat open patch, augmented by long slender petioles, silky new growth and intriguing triangular rusty-brown blooms. Ideal as an understory ground cover, Wild Ginger resists slugs and deer, enjoys loose organic soil, adapts to moist or dry conditions, and makes a verdant companion for Polygonatum ‘Variegatum’, Anemone ‘Snow Angel’ and Dryopteris ‘Brilliance’.
Blooms April–June
Size: 6" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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