Wild Ginger

Wild Ginger
Stretching out by underground rhizomes, the Wild Gingers are handsome woodland dwellers whose large-leafed, low growing colonies flourish in moist, shady niches. Long petioles elevate their polished, usually heart-shaped foliage while darkly colored, three-lobed blooms add intrigue.
Asarum caudatum f. album (P-1548)
Each 13.50

A lover of loose leafy soil, this native of western North America grows in the deep shade of redwood forests and pine woods, spreading its rhizomes to form wide patches of foliage. The 3 petals of the earthy wine-colored flowers end in long tapering wisps under deeply embossed, heart-shaped leaves. Combined with Beesia deltophylla, which is equally shade-loving, the red colors are even more enchanting.
Blooms April–June.
Size: 4" – 6" high x 0" & spreading wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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