Moor Grass
This genus of reliable cool-season grasses pays homage to Leonardo Sesler, an 18th century Venetian botanist and physician who studied European flora. Sesleria’s long-lived carefree clump makes a superlative ground cover for intimate gardens or larger scale plantings.

Our list of garden-worthy Sesleria is quickly growing and we’re pleased to add this well-groomed no-fuss species, hailing from southwestern Europe and northern Africa. Narrow green leaves propel numerous firm slender stems topped with a luminous flurry of silver-laced white blooms that make splendid cut flowers. Light green in dappled shade and more chartreuse when exposed to sunny drier conditions, the steadfast semievergreen mound can grace a stylized meadow, the rockery or the edge of a pathway.
Blooms July–October
Size: 16" – 20" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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