Autumn Moor Grass

Moor Grass
This genus of reliable cool-season grasses pays homage to Leonardo Sesler, an 18th century Venetian botanist and physician who studied European flora. Sesleria’s long-lived carefree clump makes a superlative ground cover for intimate gardens or larger scale plantings.
Each 12.00

Indigenous to southern Europe and the Caucasus region, this accommodating grass emphasizes a low orderly mound of slender, rich yellowish green blades garnished with narrow spiky silver-white inflorescences in autumn, which later morph into attractive golden-tan seed heads. Easy-care Autumn Moor Grass is favored by many gardeners, especially acclaimed plantsman Piet Oudolf, who has utilized broad sweeps at both NYC’s Highline Garden and the Lurie Garden in Chicago. Ideal planted as an expansive ground cover for informal settings, Sesleria autumnalis’ tufted nearly evergreen clump looks spiffy most of the year, triumphing over erosion, light shade, black walnuts and infrequent dry spells, plus clay, sandy or alkaline soil.
Blooms September–October
Size: 15" – 20" high x 12" – 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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