John Greenlee’s Moor Grass

Moor Grass
This genus of reliable cool-season grasses pays homage to Leonardo Sesler, an 18th century Venetian botanist and physician who studied European flora. Sesleria’s long-lived carefree clump makes a superlative ground cover for intimate gardens or larger scale plantings.
Each 12.00

Exhibiting attributes from both parents, this trim-looking evergreen, discovered by grass aficionado John Greenlee, is thought to be a hybrid between Sesleria caerulea and Sesleria autumnalis. Blue-tinged green blades bear a likeness to Sesleria caerulea’s, but are longer, while the blooms resemble those of Sesleria autumnalis, except for being thicker, more elongated and for turning a purplish brown hue when mature. Topped by reflective green inflorescences with creamy-yellow pollen sacs, thin stems rise well above the amenable upright clump that withstands a multitude of exposures such as sun, shade, moisture, heat and drought. ‘Greenlee’s sprightly verdant form can be massed in a meadow or a more formal setting.
Blooms June–October
Size: 12" – 15" high x 15" – 18" wide.
Zone 6/7.
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