Cape Mendocino Reed Grass

Extremely durable, undemanding and hearty, this all-purpose clump-forming grass delivers arresting accents to any garden setting.

Garnished by violet tinges, low loose mounds of glaucous blue-gray blades generally remain evergreen throughout the year and set this California native apart from other North American Calamagrostis species. Slender, tapering pinkish purple panicles sojourn just above the relaxed foliage in a comely fountain-like fashion and by early summer adopt luminous flaxen hues. Cape Mendocino Reed Grass pouts when it’s hot, appreciates summer irrigation and looks artful either as a large-scale ground cover or peppered throughout mixed borders and naturalized meadows.
Blooms May–November
Size: 18" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 8.
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