Gracing gardens since the 16th century, these marvelous blooms inspired their name, which translates to “basin” in Latin or “globe” in German. Globeflowers are undemanding perennials that look best in drifts and are the perfect choice for the water’s edge, a boggy spot or the border, granted a moisture-retentive, organic-rich soil and shelter from hot sun. A sterling addition to bouquets, the Buttercup-like blossoms surmount straight stems above handsome deeply-divided glossy leaves and promise a long summer fling with regular deadheading.
Each $11.75
Reminiscent of Mother-of-Pearl or King Tuts alabaster vessels, the light creamy white color that imbues these large blooms brings a quiet refinement to the garden. Layered chiffon-like petals embellish stylish cup-shaped flowers, while below deeply chiseled, glabrous green foliage grows into an attractive, moisture-loving basal clump. Developed by George Arends over 60 years ago, this exquisite cultorum hybrid can be intermingled with the chartreuse sprays of Alchemilla mollis "Robusta".
Blooms early June–mid-July
Size: 2' 0" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

Bearing a crown of 12 or more narrow vertical petals surrounded by an outer ring of cupped soft orange sepals, this Trollius is known as the “Queen of the Buttercups.” Lustrous dark green leaves—serrated, toothed and finely cut—meld a vigorous basal clump that launches the sturdy, 3 ft. tall flowering stems in no need of staking.
Blooms June–July
Size: 2-1/2' – 3' 0" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

Pale yellow, tissue-like petals fashion a chic, nearly double, shallow open cup. Casting a soft feminine mood, the sumptuous blooms pose above an attractive mound of shiny foliage carved into small sections. A Dutch introduction, ‘Cheddar’ deserves to find its way into more gardens, where it will flourish in damp open sites matched with companions such as Sanguisorba ‘Chocolate Tip’ or Geranium ‘Dark Reiter’.
Blooms June–July
Size: 2' 0" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Trollius x cultorum ‘Lemon Queen’ (P-0487)
Each $11.75
Steeped in old-world allure, the gleaming flush of lusty deep green lobed foliage coronates large double lemon-yellow globes. A 1920s selection that shares lineage with Trollius europaeus, Trollius asiaticus and Trollius chinensis, this hybrids urbane silken flowers alight tall sleek stalks, flaunting showy stamens and a composed beauty. "Lemon Queen" demands cool moist soil and easily rules a woodlands edge with confidants such as Astilbe "Perkeo" and low growing Anemones.
Blooms June–July
Size: 2-1/4' high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Trollius x cultorum ‘New Moon’ (P-2116)
Each $11.75

Large creamy-yellow double blooms revel atop strong, straight leafy stems and deep-hewn toothed greenery that sports a shiny finish. This new, vastly improved cultivar arose from seed that Dutch nurseryman Coen Jansen sent to Jelitto Perennial Seeds in 2011 following his breeding work with Trollius ‘Alabaster’, an old introduction from George Arends’ famed nursery. A friend to bees and floral designers, but not bunnies, ‘New Moon’s vigorous habit and posh Paeony-style flowers can be surrounded by Iris chrysographes ‘Black Form’ and Athyrium ‘Ghost’.
Blooms June–July
Size: 2' 0" high x 18" wide.
Zone 3/4.

Surviving the test of time, this cherished compact Trollius was first trialed at Britain’s Wisley Gardens around 1929. Poised on sturdy stems, large, dazzling yellowish orange blooms are bedecked with ornate central clusters of darker tangerine petals. ‘Orange Crest’s ebullient buttercup-like display and tasteful, deeply divided glabrous leaves crave morning sun and cool moist soil.
Blooms June–July
Size: 2' 0" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Trollius europaeus ‘Superbus’ (P-1412)
Each $11.75
Distinguished by overlapping, incurved petals bathed in cool lemon-yellows, beautiful globes gracefully alight foot long olive-green stems. A polished foliar mass grounds the bounteous one to two in. blooms. Maintaining a fresh look even when exposed to drier conditions, the large richly green leaves are rounded and divided into 5 parts with each lobed leaflet emargined by prominent teeth.
Blooms June–July.
Size: 2' 0" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Trollius stenopetalus (P-2304)
Each $11.75

Indigenous to the mountainous regions in northern Burma and western China, this seldom-offered long-lived perennial premiers gorgeous large semidouble flowers with sunshine-hued petals encompassing a decorative ring of frilly yellow stamens. Stately upright stems plus deeply incised palmate leaves make a bold polished foundation for the open-faced midsummer blooms that lure bees, floral designers and plant-enthusiasts alike. Most effective when featured en masse, Trollius stenopetalus’s energetic trouble-free stance cheers moist borders, watersides and boggy areas.
Blooms June–July
Size: 2' 0" – 2-1/2' high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.