Once upon a time, the newborn infant was placed upon a pillow filled with Meadow-Rue to ensure a prosperous life. Thalictrum means “to flourish,” and it does, with elegant foam-like sprays that resemble Baby’s Breath, and rounded finely-cut compound foliage. Tougher than it appears, Thalictrum is the perfect choice for a border or less formal setting.
Showing amazing vigor, this exceptional Thalictrum was twice as large as the other delavayi seedlings when esteemed Dutch plantsman, Coen Jansen initially spotted it growing in a propagation tray. Glaucous, Columbine-like bluish green foliage drapes sleek, sky-high dark stalks that energetically thrust upward and support the large, effervescent soft-hued puffs--plenteous lilac-pink flowers with pronounced creamy yellow stamens on finely branched stems. A regal stand-alone for any garden, Ankums hearty, amber-colored spent stems sustain an exquisite presence long after the lovely blooms and leaves have faded.
Blooms July–August
Size: 6-1/2' high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Each $15.50
This long-legged cultivar sprang into being when Dutch landscape designer Dirk de Winter crossed Thalictrum rochebrunianum and Thalictrum flavum ssp. glaucum. Dressed with fetching glaucous blue-green leaves, firm upright deep purple stalks hurl themselves towards the heavens, while cushioning a frothy open array of petite rosy-purple buds and alabaster-colored blooms that keep the honeybees happy plus make sprightly additions to cut arrangements. Grandiose, prismatic and easygoing, ‘Anne’s compelling vertical carriage can reside in the back of the border behind cohorts such as Eupatorium ‘Gateway’ and Phlomis samia.
Blooms June–July
Size: 6-1/2' – 8' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
The tallest of the species and one of the showiest Meadow-Rues, this aptly named Thalictrum amasses large fluffy heads defined by pronounced rich rosy violet stamens and dark purple double florets. The colorful individual flowers unfurl like tiny fireworks, imparting a gracious glamour atop branched stems and small teal green obovate leaflets. An honored AGM recipient, 'Thundercloud' is best planted en masse against a dark backdrop.
Blooms July–August.
Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

Distinctive for its gauzy white flowers with pale yellow stamens gracing sizable branched sprays, this classy clump-forming Thalictrum is grounded by finely divided, Columbine-style fresh green foliage. ‘Album’s delicate upright silhouette provides peerless texture-rich accents that effectively contrast bold-leafed plants such as Hydrangea ‘All Summer Beauty’ in the mixed border.
Blooms July–August
Size: 3-1/2' high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

A buoyant flourish of double pale purple blooms with yellow eyes adorn this Thalictrum’s tall-flowering stems. We often grow ‘Hewitt’s Double’ among other plants, such as Anemone ‘Andrea Atkinson’, for support, especially in areas exposed to summer wind and rain.
Blooms August–September
Size: 4' 0" – 6' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Each $14.50

Loosely garbed in striking steely-blue foliage, ‘Elin’s tall purple-tinged stems maintain a stately carriage. An arresting hybrid between Thalictrum flavum ssp. glaucum and Thalictrum rochebrunianum, its sturdy upright stalks culminate in open trusses of bicolored pale yellow and lavender flowers. Known to grow up to 12 ft. tall, this lofty Thalictrum paints soft smoky hues in the background and seldom needs staking.
Blooms June–July
Size: 8' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
You will never “rue” planting this winning European native. As it emerges in spring, tender mauve-tinted stems and foliage scramble skyward. By midsummer, gleaming and glaucous trilobed, silvery blue-green foliage adorns brawny upright stems. Erect, gossamer-like panicles of soft yellow burst upward in a frothy show.
Absolutely striking when planted in a drift with Phlomis russeliana and Spodiopogon sibiricus.
Blooms July–August.
Size: 5' 0" – 6' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Each $11.75

Endemic to eastern North American thickets, wetlands and streamsides, this statuesque clumping perennial pitches staunch, nearly 7 ft. tall green stems clothed with glaucous, triple compound blue-green leaves. The posh fern-like delicacy belies its tenacious ability to remain upright beneath magical large, open panicles of creamy-white starburst-like stamens, which captivate pollinators, floral designers and plant aficionados alike. Best headlined against a dark backdrop lingering amongst Eupatorium or Aconitum ‘Bicolor’, King of the Meadow’s classy low maintenance habit thwarts deer and bunnies plus appreciates moderately fertile soil in a damp, yet bright locale.
Blooms mid-June–August
Size: 6' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
This new medium-sized Thalictrum proffers a lilac-colored flurry of loosely-arranged froth-like blooms on sleek, upright and branched midnight-purple stems. The sprightly flowers hover above refined pinnate blue-green leaflets that gracefully cloak a tasteful, more compact habit. Beloved by pollinators and especially gardeners who are short on space, ‘Purplelicious’ can be easily nudged into cottage gardens, border edges and cut arrangements, where it affords wispy allure and purple aplenty.
Blooms July–August
Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Thalictrum rochebrunianum (P-0970)
Each $11.75
A first-class perennial that fashions an ethereal, lavender-hued mist, this stylish Japanese native boasts attractive foliage and a bounteous offering of dainty flowers. Tall stems hold glabrous, oval-shaped blue-green leaves, and each produces wiry branched blooming panicles. Prominent pale yellow stamens and persistent sepals accentuate the display. Most effective in a drift, place wherever a glow of purple would be welcome.
Blooms August–September
Size: 5' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
This long-blooming Japanese denizen premiers large airy pouffes of copious tightknit yellow-centered lavender-blue flowers. Lodged atop thick upstanding stems dressed in wispy, yet robust Columbine-like bluish green leaves, the blossoms entertain dreamy soft hues that extend through autumn if judiciously deadheaded. Favoring cool semishady environs with adequate moisture, it’s ideal for bouquets and as a lanky perennial specimen in mixed borders or less formal venues, while its potential to suppress cancer has been demonstrated in recent medical studies.
Blooms July–September
Size: 6' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Thalictrum ‘Splendide’ (P-1676)
Each $15.50

Discovered as a garden seedling between Thalictrum elegans and Thalictrum delavayi by celebrated French Heuchera breeder, Thierry Delabroye, this towering floriferous Meadow Rue is indeed splendid. Sky-bound and steadfast, 9 ft. tall, crimson-tinted stalks, clothed with lacy grayish green foliage, have a willowy architectural appeal. Myriad lavender-pink flowers, centered by cream-colored stamens, comprise a massive, yet lithe pastel cloud, which envelopes the entire upper 3 ft. of each impressive plant nearly all summer long.
Blooms late June–September
Size: 5' 0" – 9' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 3.
Kudos to renowned French nurseryman Thierry Delabroye for this urbane, white-blooming Meadow Rue. Erect, multibranched hale-and-hearty stalks support pinnate leaves with oblong grayish green leaflets, plus large gossamer-like panicles of small spherical buds unfurling fragrant snowy white blooms. Aptly named, "Splendide Whites" tall growing visage has splendor to spare that can be enjoyed midborder, planted either en masse or positioned as a spectacular illuminated specimen, or cut for a fanciful bouquet.
Blooms late June–September
Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Each $14.50
Have you been searching for a smaller-statured Meadow Rue? If so, this rarely offered cultivar fills the bill with its compact, delicate-looking bluish green foliage that maxes out at about 20 inches. Above the well-groomed foundation, a dreamy haze of copious amethyst-hued blooms levitates on upright, sturdy burgundy-tinged stalks. Perfect in cut arrangements, ‘Yulia’ makes a nimble-footed addition to border frontage, cottage gardens and space-thrifty plantings.
Blooms June–July
Size: 2' 0" – 2-1/2' high x 12" – 16" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.