
Sometime around May a certain fragrance tells us that it’s time for sunny days and warm weather. It’s Nepeta! Catmint, as it is commonly called, is a free bloomer whose billowy mounds of blue-violet, lavender, pink or white flowers are as opulent as its aromatic foliage. Supposedly, this herb renders timid people fierce, and the botanist Tournefort tells of a hangman who couldn’t cut the mustard “until he chewed a little catmint root.” Have some Loosestrife around in case things get out of hand. Cut back in July for an encore in the fall.
Big, bright blue-violet tubular blooms with extended white-freckled lower lips and smoky-purple calyces bedeck showy 6 in. floral spires. Inheriting the vigor of its yunnanensis parent, yet maintaining a neat compact habit, branched upright stems emerge from underground stolons and sprout attractive notched ash-green leaves. Barely fazed by heat, humidity and sporadic dry periods, ‘Blue Dragon’s long-blooming flowers make a spectacular addition to a summer bouquet.
Blooms June–mid-September
Size: 2-1/2' – 3' 0" high x 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
Each $10.75
Introduced over 70 years ago by Dr. Skinner, this sterile Canadian hybrid develops a hearty medium-sized habit capable of enduring tough conditions and cold temperatures. The snug, shapely mass of small, scalloped gray-green leaves cushions copious richly colored blue-violet flowers that butterflies and hummingbirds adore. ‘Dropmore’s lavish long-lasting blooms plus soft-looking spicy-scented foliage lend a tranquil touch to walls, staircases and border edges.
Blooms May–September
Size: 15" – 18" high x 18" – 20" wide.
Hardy to zone 3.

A well-mannered Catmint, ‘Kit Cat’ keeps a tight-set, low-to-the-ground profile. The gray-green clump of pint-sized leaves projects cool tones, especially when small but numerous terminal clusters of lavender-blue flowers unfurl all summer long. Perfect for padding hard edges along steps, walkways or in the rockery, this floriferous Nepeta easily melds with Stachys ‘Silky Fleece’ and Antirrhinum ‘Roseum’.
Blooms May–mid-October
Size: 15" high x 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Nepeta x faassenii ‘Purrsian Blue’ (P-1994)
Each $10.50

Praised for its myriad periwinkle-blue blooms with smoky-purple calyces and fast growing, low compact habit, this 2013 introduction came about when Kevin Hurd crossed Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’ and Nepeta ‘Eldean’. Prim, petite serrated grayish green leaves clothe a spry rounded mound that requires little maintenance and can edge a perennial border, squeeze between stone work or grace an herb garden. (pp#24,788)
Blooms May–September
Size: 18" high x 18" – 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 3.
David Salmon of High Country Gardens recently selected this long-blooming, tough-as-nails Catmint for its markedly blue flower spikes. Long, tapered gray-green leaves comprise a tidy, low growing mound that is covered with blossoms in late spring, and if trimmed back, bestows a second showing in late summer. Vigorous and drought tolerant, ‘Select Blue’ can be paired with another floriferous perennial, Erigeron ‘Bountiful’ to create a colorful union.
Blooms May–August
Size: 15" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

Awarded four stars in the Chicago Botanical Garden’s Nepeta Performance Trials, this exciting new Catmint broadcasts lively purplish red calyxes that can be enjoyed long after its blossoms have faded. The lush sage-green leaves create a vigorous understory for quantities of small, dark blue-violet tubes clustered on good-sized flower heads. Staged midborder, the colorful display spans several months and blends easily with Sedum ‘Hab Gray’, while riding on tall upright stems.
Blooms mid-June – late September.
Size: 3' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

Kudos to Malcom Spencer for this low growing Nepeta that celebrates unwavering prowess, nonflopping erect stems and a floriferous frenzy. Adored by bees, the plump spikes are packed with tiny violet-blue flowers, embellishing trim, closely woven ash-green leaves from summer ’til early fall. Tolerant of heat, humidity and occasional drought, ‘Summer Magic’ casts a cool-hued spell in the rockery, between pavers and along pathways. (pp#27,090)
Blooms May–October
Size: 15" – 18" high x 15" – 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Nepeta ‘Hill Grounds’ (P-2290)
Each $10.75

Parading rich violet-blue flowers that are darker than many Catmints, this tailored relatively new cultivar was named for the late Janet Cropley’s Northamptonshire garden where it originated as a chance seedling. The prismatic long-lasting floral display is distinguished by thick, upright terminal spikes, which are studded with whorled tubular blooms above a scented, close-set mound of scalloped, downy gray-green foliage. Recently included in Steve Edney’s top Nepeta recommendations, ′Hill Grounds′s valiant habit tantalizes bees, appreciates lean well-drained soil and looks breathtaking amid Stipa gigantea′s honey-hued inflorescences.
Blooms June–mid-September
Size: 20" – 18" high x 2-1/3' wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

This distinctive, hard-to-find Nepeta originated at Longview Farms, where Joanna Reed’s Pennsylvania garden is located. A naturally occurring cross between Nepeta sibirica and Nepeta faassenii, her upright form bolsters vibrantly colored clusters of tubular flowers. Highlighted by pink throats, the iridescent blue-violet blooms garnish pleasing pewter-green foliage and harmonize with Lobelia tupa.
Blooms late May–September
Size: 3' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Nepeta kubanica ‘Bokratune’ (P-2151)
Each $10.50

Large bee-friendly blooms coupled with a diminutive shipshape habit give you good reason to invite this new award-winning Concept Plants’ introduction into your garden. Erring more on the blue side, large tubular blue-violet blooms and dark purple calyces adorn the long-lasting, upright spikes above a bushy aromatic base of stout stems cloaked in close-set broad, serrated green leaves. Tailor-made for patio containers and border frontage, nonflopping ‘Neptune’ owes its hearty constitution to its Russian heritage and its good behavior to horticulturist Kees Jan Kraan’s diligence.
Blooms June–September
Size: 8" – 12" high x 8" – 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
The stately bearing of this tall growing upright Nepeta caught our eye some 25 years ago at a small British nursery located near Great Dixter. Long sturdy panicles of whorled, densely massed rosy lilac flowers crown a lush textural foundation of broad, serrated pewter-green foliage and stout branched stems. Its pastel hues can be teamed with Centaurea macrocephala, Caryopteris incana and Crocosmia ‘Honey Angels’ for a pleasing foliar medley and late season flower-power.
Blooms July–September
Size: 3' 0" – 3-1/2' high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
Bathed in restful hues, this seldom-offered Nepeta fashions a softly colored, large mound of good-sized, serrated, gray-green leaves and tall, branching spikes embellished with densely set lilac flowers. Blooming for months, ‘Longipes’ creates a pleasing pastel medley in the company of Papaver spicatum and Euphorbia myrsinites.
Blooms late May–July.
Size: 2' 0" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Nepeta manchuriensis ‘Manchu Blue’ (P-2291)
Each $10.75
Fancied by bees, butterflies and plant enthusiasts, ′Manchu Blue′s imposing long bright purplish blue spires are borne in spectacular profusion above a winsome tall bushy base. The tranquil-looking blooms, each with a magenta-speckled white lip, nestle within decorative inky blue and green calyces, while large ultra-redolent fresh green leaves sport prominent veins plus notched margins. Effective planted in drifts or as an attractive stand-alone, this seldom offered energetic Nepeta can mosey alongside roses, Geranium ‘Sabani Blue’ and Hydrangea serrata ‘Bluebird’.
Blooms May–mid-August
Size: 2-1/2' – 3' 0" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

Despite its name, this outstanding Kashmiri native will give you nothing to be nervous about. With an upright and bushy stance, N. nervosa features handsome, deep green foliage that’s veined and somewhat linear in shape, accompanied by large dense clusters of dark blue flowers. Plant at the base of Buddleja crispa, and enjoy the strikingly classic contrast of blue and silver.
Blooms July–August.
Size: 12" – 18" high x 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Indigenous to northern Greece, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, this stately Nepeta exhibits unique qualities, casting impressive vertical accents as straight 3 ft. tall branched stems soldier upward. The generous showing of small white flowers illuminates an attractive leafy green bed, shaped by notched, prominently veined good-sized foliage. N. nuda ssp. albiflora can be coupled with Gaura ‘White Heron’ for luminous color echoes as well as intriguing foliar contrast.
Blooms July–September
Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

A rather new introduction, Nepeta parnassica is tall growing. Attached to its brawny stems, sizable grayish green leafage lifts itself toward lush spikes of lilac-blue flowers and dark, wine-hued calyxes. This late bloomer’s height puts it midborder, where, backed by the concurrent blooms of Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’, a late summer pleasure is yours for the viewing.
Blooms July–September.
Size: 4' 0" – 4-1/2' high x 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
An upright Englishman standing taller and with less sprawl than N.x ‘Six Hills Giant’, ‘Pool Bank’s gray-green foliage gives way to tall branched spires decorated with bluish lavender blossoms, each nestled in a dusky mulberry-hued calyx. The tempered look of this Nepeta is effective for midborder drifts with Agastache ‘Firebird’ nearby.
Blooms July–September.
Size: 3' 0" high x 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
A dogged constitution and compact good looks characterize this Plant Select offering. Flourishing in xeric conditions, the noteworthy ground hugging mound of well-branched stems and serrated dusty silver-green leaves gives way to deep lavender-colored flower spires nearly all season long. Nestle fine textured Little Trudy amid steps, atop a wall or in a low-maintenance planting where she’ll make a composed companion for Oenothera ‘Fyrverkeri’. (PPAF)
Blooms May–September
Size: 8" – 10" high x 12" – 16" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
‘Little Titch’ has such a small stature that even Nepeta ‘Superba’ is more upright. Its tightly packed ash-green leaves form a dense ground-level mass. Garnishing stem tips, small heads of rich blue-violet flowers faithfully unfurl until the end of summer. ‘Little Titch’ is delightful between rocks or right up front with Achillea ‘Hella Glashoff’ and Diascia ‘Coral Canyon’.
Blooms May–September
Size: 8" – 10" high x 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Nepeta racemosa ‘Superba’ (P-0659)
Each $10.50
Nepeta racemosa ‘Walkers Low’ (P-0609)
Each $10.50

This low mounding Catmint has a clean-cut look that persists throughout the summer, making it excellent for the front of the border. Deep lavender-blue flowers, some of the most vividly colored of the Nepetas we offer, harmonize beautifully with the blooms of Penstemon ‘Sunburst Amethyst’ and Eryngium amethystinum.
Blooms June–September
Size: 18" high x 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Nepeta reichenbachiana (P-0106)
Each $10.50
This compact Nepeta bears blue flowers with just a hint of violet, and offers verdant foliage. Growing profusely, it forms a thick, low mound with a sumptuous play of color, texture and fragrance.
Blooms April–October.
Size: 12" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Long after this species has bloomed you will remember its large tubular blue flowers highlighted by intensely aromatic deep green foliage. With an upright stance, ‘Souvenir d’ A. Chaudron’ makes a good companion for Origanum ‘Bristol Cross’ or Euphorbia myrsinites.
Blooms August–September
Size: 18" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

Both upright and billowy, this Nepeta is spectacular in drifts, sporting stems laden with lavender flowers. Its blossoms are held openly above its soft gray-green foliage. An old favorite here, ‘Six Hills Giant’ looks superb backed by Calamagrostis ‘Avalanche’, with its golden seed heads. Pink Geraniums are equally worthy companions.
Blooms April–September.
Size: 2-1/2' high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Each $10.75
A snowy divergence from the blue-violet hues typical of most Nepetas, tiny whorled white flowers blanket the snug tranquil-looking mound of serrated gray-green leaves throughout the summer. This neat undemanding perennial lends luminous pollinator-friendly highlights to a rock wall, cottage garden and right up front in a perennial bed. Intermingle with Dracocephalum ‘Fuji Blue’ and Penstemon ‘Zuriblau’ and a classy vignette is yours for the viewing.
Blooms June–August
Size: 12" – 15" high x 12" – 15" wide.
Zone 4/5.
Each $10.75
Indigenous to the mountainous areas of northwest China, this choice rarely offered Nepeta swaggers a lot of garden oomph: spicy fragrance, tall valiant stature and bountiful bicolored blooms that beguile both honey bees and floral designers. Toothed triangular green leaves and sturdy upright stems bolster long branching spires housing whorled clusters of unusual clear blue-purple flowers with dark purple speckles on striking white lips. Happiest in adequately moist, well-drained soil, Nepeta stewartiana is perfect for a cottage garden, formal border or meadow setting.
Blooms June–mid September
Size: 2' 0" – 2-1/2' high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Broadcasting vibrant blue tones, a profusion of large, loosely arranged plump cylinders house tubular blooms with darker fringed calyxes. Neat, serrated leaves make a handsome cover for the upright clumping stems that flourish in moist soil and dappled shade. Deadheading will keep the flowers coming.
Blooms June–August.
Size: 18" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

Icy spikes of white-specked lavender-blue flowers to soothe the senses on a hot afternoon are what this new, highly touted Nepeta has to offer. Compact straight-up stems are densely shrouded in dark green serrated leaves, making a tidy aromatic base for the prolific summer long display. Partner with Eryngium ‘Blue Jackpot’ and blue-flowered Anchusa and enjoy the cool-colored vignette.
Blooms June – September.
Size: 2' 0" – 2-1/2' high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
Nepeta subsessilis ‘Sweet Dreams’ (P-1275)
Each $10.50
While the species resides upon Japan’s sheltered coastal cliffs and the shady rocks along its mountain streams, ‘Sweet Dreams’ will love the bright shadows of your garden. Chubby cylindrical spikes garnished with long, pink-blushed white flowers and burgundy floral bracts render an eye-catching two-toned mecca for butterflies and bees. More acquiescent to shade and damp conditions than most Nepetas, the tidy upright deep green clump of large, lush serrated leaves provides a lovely color echo alongside Persicaria ‘Rosea’ in rich, somewhat moist abodes.
Blooms July–September
Size: 18" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 4.

Named for Elizabeth Strangman’s British nursery where it originated, ‘Washfield’ is regarded as the best subsessilis cultivar currently available. Adored by butterflies and bees, well-endowed, erect branching spikes house vibrant clusters of blue-violet tubular flowers, opening from small buds shrouded in dark calyxes. The bushy clump-forming base yields scented green foliage, which offsets gray-leafed plants to great effect and obliges heavier soil more so than most Catmints.
Blooms June – August.
Size: 18" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.