Each $11.00

Hailing from the rocky crevices and grasslands of the Pyrenees and Alps in Western Europe, this alpine gem makes a winsome addition to any rock garden, stone wall or steps. Quilted leaves—deep green, scalloped and glossy—comprise a tidy semievergreen rosette that produces dainty upright spires of Penstemon-like violet-hued flowers.
Easily cultivated in a well-drained niche, either lean or rich, Dragon’s Mouth can be massed with other low growing perennials such as Marrubium incanum and Dracocephalum to create a tapestry-styled ground cover.
Blooms July – August.
Size: 8" – 12" high x 8" – 10" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Horminum pyrenaicum f. alboviolaceum (P-2235)
Each $11.00
Indigenous to the high meadows and lime-
enriched rocky slopes of the Pyrenees and European Alps, this neat, small-sized perennial sends forth numerous upright spires studded with endearing whorled creamy-white flowers donning violet lips and throats. The long-lasting tubular blooms, thought to resemble a dragon’s mouth, brighten the deep green evergreen rosette, which develops scalloped margins plus a textural, quilted evergreen aspect. Appreciative of superb drainage as well as protection from hot afternoon sun, hearty Dragon’s Mouth can be nudged into rockeries, troughs, alpine gardens or pathway edges, where it lures plant lovers and small nectar-sipping birds plus other pollinators.
Blooms June–August
Size: 8" – 10" high x 8" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.