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We’re talking about hardy Geraniums, not the better-known, anything-but-subtle Pelargo­ni­ums. True Geraniums are sturdy yet refined, with 5-petaled flowers borne on dainty stems close to the palmately divided leaves. Their spectrum of colors, from cool to electric, is rivaled only by their ability to create soft mounds and flowing carpets of lush foliage in ordinary garden soil. We plant a succession of varieties to always have some in bloom from spring to fall. Our selections are easily grown: many will rebloom after flowering if lightly trimmed and most die back in winter.

Geranium ‘Ann Folkard’ (P-0404)

Each $13.00


<i>Geranium</i> ‘Ann Folkard’

Raised by the amateur gardener Rev. O. G. Folkard, this Geranium is an offspring of Geranium procurrens and Geranium psilostemon. Its deeply cut, bright yel­lowish green leaves trail and twine gracefully amidst stunning saucer-shaped, black-eyed dus­ky-magenta flowers. Such color and form make ‘Ann Folkard’ an uplifting neighbor for dark green foliage plants like Veronicastrum ‘Adoration’ and Phlox ‘David’s Lavender’.

Blooms May–September

Size: 2' 0" high x 3' 0" – 4' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium</i> ‘Anne Thomson’

With the same parentage and flowers as ‘Ann Folkard’, this 2005 AGM winner was introduced by esteemed Geranium breeder, Alan Bremner. The low-spreading vigorous mound boasts a tidier more compact and heat tolerant habit than its golden-leafed garden rival, while dazzling us with fulgent yellow foliage and a succession of 1 in. wide, black-eyed dark magenta blooms. Appreciative of bright shade, regular water during extended dry spells and a hard annual pruning, ‘Anne Thomson’ is a well-behaved weaver and a choice contender for flashy front-of-the border medleys.

Blooms May–September

Size: 18" high x 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium ‘Blogold’ (P-2043)

Each $12.50


<i>Geranium</i> ‘Blogold’

This comely low growing ‘knitter’ appeared as a chance seedling in Hans Kramer’s Dutch Nursery. Countless, vibrant saucer-shaped violet-blue blooms, donning dark magenta veins and pale centers, adorn the reliable radiant mounds of deeply incised foliage. Initially, the leaves emerge yellow, then turn chartreuse, and later transmute bright yellowish green hues for summer, greeting autumn with red highlights. An AGM champion plus presumed Geranium ‘Ann Folkard’ and Geranium ‘Buxton’s Variety’ cross, ‘Blue Sunrise’ looks spectacular en masse, appreciates some shade in hot areas and promises a long-flowering period, especially when trimmed midsummer. (pp#12,955)

Blooms June–August

Size: 18" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium</i> ‘Brookside’

A Geranium pratense and Geranium clarkei ‘Kashmir Purple’ descendant, ‘Brookside’ displays deep violet-blue floral splendor all summer long. Pink-veined blooms, sparkling with pale central eyes, make a striking presentation against the verdurous bed of finely divided green foliage.

Blooms May–August

Size: 2-1/2' high x 2-1/2' wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium</i> x <i>cantabrigiense</i> ‘Biokovo’

Discovered in Croatia’s Biokovo Mountains by German nurseryman Hans Simon, this macrorrhizum and dalmaticum progeny hosts pink sepals, unfurling a long-lasting flurry of dainty white flowers with prominent pink stamens and rose-colored swaths at the base of each petal. Spreading underground rhizomes and round lobed leaves comprise a low growing, glossy medium green mat that wafts a zestful scent, shows off red-hued autumn leaves and remains mostly evergreen in milder locales. A cinch to cultivate, ‘Biokovo’ is a tailored candidate for pathway edging, rock work and borders, where it effortlessly melds perennials, grasses or small shrubs.

Blooms May–September

Size: 8" – 12" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium</i> x <i>cantabrigiense</i> ‘Cambridge Blue’

Awash in soft bluish rose hues with lighter colored centers, the flowers showcase a unique and highly welcome chroma for this group of Geraniums. Winsome, deep green lobed leaves sculpt an energetic and easy-to-maintain cover that’s compact, nearly evergreen and gleaming all season long.

Blooms May–September.

Size: 8" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium</i> x <i>cantabrigiense</i> ‘Rosalina’

Introduced in 1989 by Christian Kress, the owner of Austria’s acclaimed Sarastro Nursery, this trim hard-to-find cultivar dishes out oodles of snazzy bright lilac pink flowers. Lusty rounded fresh green foliage slowly spreads to form a low, close-knit often evergreen carpet that shows off reddish purple tints once autumn arrives. Second-to-none for covering the ground beneath roses or Hydrangeas, undemanding ‘Rosalina’ maintains her classic good looks during periodic dry spells, but sulks in water-logged soil.

Blooms May–September

Size: 8" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium</i> x <i>cantabrigiense</i> ‘St. Ola’

An excellent choice for the north side of the house, this robust hybrid between Geranium dalmaticum ‘Album’ and Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Album’ is similar to Geranium ‘Biokovo’ but much more vigorous, forming a lush and leafy evergreen carpet. ‘St. Ola’s white overlapping flower petals fade with just a hint of pink and create a pearly echo beneath Hydrangea ‘Snowflake’. 

Blooms May–September

Size: 8" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium x cantabrigiense</i> ‘Westray’

This splendid new cultivar was bred by British Geranium enthusiast, Alan Bremner, who named it after his father’s homeland—the Orkney Island of Westray.

Wafting a spicy scent, quantities of rounded, deeply lobed leaves define a low growing evergreen ground cover that imparts warm orange-red hues in autumn and tolerates some drought. Just above the neat, densely arranged foundation, Westray’s fanciful, circular red buds give way to copious, ample-sized carnation pink flowers with sprightly anthers. (pp#13716)

Blooms May–September.

Size: 8" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Endemic to Kashmir’s alpine meadows, this hardy ground-covering perennial is touted as one of the most floriferous and longest blooming in the genus. Lovely, large and upward-facing, the translucent flowers are delicately patterned with lavender-colored veins above slow-spreading, finely divided medium green leaves. ‘Kashmir White’ makes a glittering statement when planted en masse atop stone walls, cottage gardens or in border frontage, where it beckons butterflies and cherishes moist, enriched, well-drained soil, but detests drought and hot, humid Southern weather. 

Blooms May–August

Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Raised by Rosemary Lee of Coombland Nursery, this stylish Geranium lambertii ‘Swansdown’ and Geranium traversii offspring affords large, cupped white flowers with a faint rosy wash, carmine-colored veins plus ruby-red basal blotches, which surround dark purple stamens. Lobed, nearly round smoky green leaves emphasize bronze accents and a spiffy, soft-to-the-touch mottled surface. Evergreen in warmer locales, ‘Coombland’s White’s easy-care, low mounding habit can lodge beneath roses, tumble down steps and embellish a walkway.

Blooms May–August

Size: 10" – 15" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium</i> ‘Dilys’

Named for British Geranium aficionado Dilys Davis, this carefree Geranium sanguineum and Geranium procurrens cross strikes a low spreading floriferous stance. Thick, rich green deeply cut leaves present a bevy of 5-petaled bright pinkish purple flowers marked by saturated purple eyes and veins, promising to energize the garden from early summer ‘til the first frosty night. ‘Dilys’ is a top-notch vigorous ground cover that tolerates poor drainage, adapts to sun or shade and celebrates a well-earned AGM status.

Blooms late July–September.

Size: 10" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium harveyi</i>

With silky, fine-feathered foliage, this mountain dweller from South Africa fashions an alluring mound. Willowy stems elevate magenta blooms above a low, luminous mass of small, silver leaves and long, whitened trailing stalks. A sun-loving Geranium that thrives on warmth, little water and good drainage, Geranium harveyi is tailor-made for cascading over rocks and pots in exposed sites, or growing as a small-scale ground cover.

Blooms June–September.

Size: 8" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 8.

This fabulous white-eyed blue flowering Geranium was recently introduced by luminary Dutch plant breeder Marco van Noort. Eye-catching ultra-large blossoms are patterned with deep purplish black veins above an sumptuous mound of chiseled densely set green foliage and newly unfurling leaves that glow with yellow-green hues. ‘Havana Blues’ launches its bountiful blooms from June ‘til frost, shrugs off slugs, smothers weeds, and requires minimal care.

Blooms May–October.

Size: 16" – 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium himalayense ‘Baby Blue’ (P-0623)

Each $11.75


<i>Geranium himalayense</i> ‘Baby Blue’

A little plant with big color, ‘Baby Blue’ flaunts large light blue-violet flowers with purplish red veins and lucent white centers. The long-lasting floral pomp crests a low, snug green carpet of trim, deeply dissected palmate leaves that develop prominent veins plus brilliant red and damson hues for fall. Originating at the famed British Nursery Ingwersen’s, this easily paired ultrahardy Geranium looks especially fabulous amid yellow roses or massed along the front of a border, where it stifles weeds and lures pollinators.

Blooms June–August

Size: 12" high x 12" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium himalayense</i> ‘Derrick Cook’

Hailing from Nepal and named for the man who discovered it in 1984, this appealing Geranium begets droves of very large saucer-shaped white flowers, delicately veined with purple, on thin stems. The enduring blossoms top neat fine-hewn bright green leaves, crafting a fantastic carpet-like cover that broadcasts brilliant red shades in autumn, keeps weeds and rabbits at bay, charms the bees and withstands drought.

Blooms June–July

Size: 16" – 18" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Geranium himalayense ‘Irish Blue’ (P-0076)

Each $11.75


Large cup-shaped blossoms the color of soft Irish blue, flushed with mauve, are the hallmark of this sublime Graham Thomas 1947 selection. A pronounced purplish eye enhances the pastel-hued flowers that reside on lengthy stalks above a trim dense hummock described by angularly cut, veined dark green leaves. Happiest in a bright home, long blooming ‘Irish Blue’ adopts a winsome low-lying habit, festooning rock gardens or the front of the border and smothering weeds to boot.

Blooms May–September

Size: 10" – 12" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium</i> ‘Johnson’s Blue’

This outstanding hybrid between Geranium himalayense and Geranium pratense originated in a Dutch nursery around 1950. Its lavender-tinted blue flowers have pale mauve centers, and bloom continuously atop elegant, deeply divided leaves that densely cover the somewhat creeping stems. Enjoy the graceful form of ‘Johnson’s Blue’ in the border next to golden-leafed Carex ‘Kaga Nishiki’ or yellow-orange flowering Kniphofia ‘Bee’s Sunset’.

Blooms May–October.

Size: 10" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Poised in showy umbel-like clusters, a torrent of saucer-shaped white flowers is heightened by inflated raspberry-colored calyces, protruding pink stamens and blush-toned veins. Long, well-mannered rhizomes nourish the dapper, deeply lobed green leaves that forge a tight, pleasant smelling, soft-to-the-touch mat. A quibble-free choice for skirting shrubs, this accommodating Geranium conquers deer, clay soil, coastal environs and black walnut trees with both beauty and brawn to spare. The rubescent autumn foliar shades add additional enticements.

Blooms May–August

Size: 8" – 12" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Bevans Variety’ (P-0648)

Each $12.00


<i>Geranium macrorrhizum</i> ‘Bevans Variety’

Dubbed for the thick fleshy rhizomes by 

which it spreads, ‘Bevan’s Variety’ is one of the best ground cover plants for shady areas. Flourishing year after year in our older border with early-flowering Brunnera and Euphorbia ‘Great Dixter’, this deer-tolerant Geranium bears clusters of intensely colored dark magenta flowers and decorative deep red sepals above scented soft green foliage.


Blooms May–August

Size: 10" – 12" high x 2-1/2' wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Ingwersen’s Variety’ (P-1028)

Each $12.00


<i>Geranium macrorrhizum</i> ‘Ingwersen’s Variety’

During a 1929 hiking expedition to Mount Koprivnik, Yugoslavia, Walter Ingwersen, the renowned German plantsman and nursery owner who penned The Genus Geranium, fortuitously happened upon the lovely, soft lavender-pink flowers of this particular Geranium macrorrhizum. Enormous thick, winding brown rhizomes store water, which invigorates the large pale green foliage even during periods of drought and heat, and earns the name “bigroot.” Described by a spicy smell and fiery fall color, fuzzy lobed leaves forge an attractive weed-squelching ground cover, while profuse clusters of dainty blossoms with rounded petals and showy stamens linger above. A superb AGM winner, it is well suited for the perennial border, outshining others in the species, as well as exhibiting more tolerance for tough dry sites than many Geraniums.

Blooms May–September

Size: 10" – 12" high x 15" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium macrorrhizum</i> ‘Spessart’

With a distinctive fresh fragrance and stamina galore, this mat-forming perennial yields a natty carpet of long-petioled, thick and broadly lobed pubescent leaves. Plentiful clustered white flowers blush the palest pink in summer, sporting pink calyxes and stamen filaments.

Spreading by a hearty underground rootstock, the dense semievergreen foliage manifests bright reds and yellows during autumn and makes a suitable understory for Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Amethyst’.

Blooms May – August.

Size: 12" high x 15" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Geranium macrorrhizum ‘White Ness’ (P-1699)

Each $12.00


<i>Geranium macrorrhizum</i> ‘White Ness’

Collected on the slopes of Mt. Olympus during a Ness Botanic Garden expedition, this relatively new choice cultivar hosts delicate pure white flowers. Long, sprightly looking yellow-tipped stamens and green calyxes distinguish the bright bountiful blooms that bring cool tranquil accents to summer borders.

Compared to other macrorrhizum, ‘White Ness’ shares the same enduring constitution, though its aromatic, rounded apple green leaves are slightly smaller and its habit more compact.

Blooms April–August.

Size: 8" – 10" high x 15" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium maculatum</i> ‘Espresso’

A superb selection of an eastern native, this toasty hued Geranium was discovered in the woods of Landenberg, PA by the astute folks at North Creek Nurseries. Delivering large flat-lying bold foliage—5 to 6 in. wide, deeply lobed and shaded in café au lait colors—the rounded compact clump maintains its color all season. Myriad 5-petaled lavender-pink flowers are adored by butterflies and later, prominent beaked seeds capsules add interest. ‘Espresso’ is an alluring, yet rugged, low-growing ground cover, preferring partial shade with average moisture. It’s unfazed by heat, humidity and dry soil, as well as deer, bunnies and other pests.

Blooms June–July

Size: 16" high x 18" wide.

Zone 3/4.

<i>Geranium maderense</i> ‘Guernsey White’ <i>Geranium maderense</i> ‘Guernsey White’

Giant fanciful leaves—deeply dissected, lustrous, aromatic and the largest, up to 8 in. across, in the genus—set this dramatic Geranium apart. Hailing from the island of Madeira, its tall stout trunk supports a lush shrubby arrangement of lacy overlapping foliage and thick, tapered brownish red stems. Copious, densely set fuzzy buds and white pink-eyed flowers populate huge trusses that bloom for months. Resplendent in a container, ‘Guernsey White’ appreciates average moisture, needs protection from hot sun and heavy frosts, and easily reseeds.

Blooms June – August.

Size: 4' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 9.

<i>Geranium</i> x <i>magnificum</i>

One of the most reliable of all Geraniums, this sterile hybrid yields a strong, truly magnificent habit with ample dark violet-blue flowers and soft shaggy, deeply-cut foliage that tints red and yellow in autumn. Geranium x magnificum can be enjoyed as a stellar specimen in the rockery, as a swath at the edge of a walkway or in a mixed border, where it makes a perfect companion for late spring flowering shrubs such as Philadelphus or Viburnum.

Blooms May–June

Size: 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium</i> x <i>magnificum</i> ‘Blue Blood’

The prized outcome of a Geranium platypetalum and Geranium ibericum cross, ‘Blue Blood’ was bred by Robin Moss and boasts the darkest saucer-shaped blue-violet flowers imaginable, which are truly about as blue as a blue Geranium bloom can be! The lavish 2 in. wide, ebony-veined blossoms surmount sturdy, branched stalks and a tailored bushy clump of fuzzy, green palmate leaves, sporting somewhat broad segments and fire-engine red fall colors. A low-maintenance, slow-spreading cultivar, this robust spring bloomer can be planted en masse in borders and cottage gardens or utilized as a ground cover beneath roses and gold-leafed shrubs.

Blooms May–July

Size: 16" high x 20" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium</i> x <i>magnificum</i> ‘Rosemoor’

A selected form of its sterile relation, G. x magnificum, ‘Rosemoor’ is touted as one of the best recent Geranium introductions, boasting prolific bluer flowers plus exceptional vitality. Saucer-style 2 in. wide, 5-petaled blue-violet blooms with prominent red veins sojourn in luxe, outfacing dense clusters well above a medium green clump. Unimpeded by occasional dry spells once established, the good-looking somewhat hairy palmate leaves are deeply lobed and adopt old gold, orange and cardinal tones come autumn.

Blooms May–mid-July

Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 20" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium</i> ‘Melinda’

Everything about ‘Melinda’ is first-class, from her upright shapely stature and well-branched vigorous habit, to her elegant leaves and lovely soft rose-pink blossoms. Fingered foliage fashions a good-looking basal clump dressed by a legion of pink-veined flowers that bloom for months.

Discovered at the prestigious Dutch nursery, Rijnbeek, and named for the owner’s daughter-in-law, this enticing new Geranium is a cross between Geranium sylvaticum ‘Mayflower’ and Geranium endressii, boasting the best from both parents.

Poised to please, position her in a prominent spot coupled with summer flowering Euphorbia sikkimensis.(pp#19,506)

Blooms May – July.

Size: 15" high x 10" – 12" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium</i> x <i>monacense</i> ‘Breckland Fever’

Introduced in 2002 by the esteemed British nursery Plantsman’s Preference, this steadfast long-flowering Geranium phaeum and Geranium reflexum cross generates a leafy semievergreen carpet. Broad, mahogany-spotted midgreen foliage plus wiry stems boost the loose vivacious clusters of sterile, deep rosy-mauve flowers that are comprised of wide-spaced, strongly reflexed petals and purple-streaked white centers. Bursting with stamina and good looks, ‘Breckland Fever’ handles occasional dry conditions, transmutes clear yellow hues for fall and thrives in shady borders, amongst shrubs or along woodland peripheries.

Blooms April–July

Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 15" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 6.

<i>Geranium</i> x <i>monacense</i> ‘Claudine Dupont’

From the namesake’s French nursery, this shade lover produces generous clumps of broad medium green leaves and reflexed smoky-pink blossoms. Emphasizing unique details, each pastel-hued flower features protruding stamens and a white eye trimmed with a slate-blue ring plus dark veins. Strong-growing palmate foliage is divided into toothed lobes, which yield subtle chocolate splotches, bright yellowish green hues in early spring and lots of oomph during dry spells.

Blooms April–September

Size: 18" high x 15" wide.

Hardy to zone 6.

<i>Geranium x monacense</i> ‘Muldoon’ <i>Geranium x monacense</i> ‘Muldoon’

In an improbable tribute, this Geranium was named after Spotty Muldoon, a British radio show character played by the late Peter Cook, and like the performer, Geranium ‘Muldoon’ really grabs our attention. The leaves have a pronounced mahogany dappling and echo the colors of the reflexed maroon flowers, whose petals fade to violet at the base. In the fall, as the leaves turn to yellow, the dark spots become bolder, enhancing the performance. Truly spotty!

Blooms April–August.

Size: 15" high x 15" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium</i> ‘Nimbus’

With a name that summons celestial visions, ‘Nimbus’ is light on its feet. A preeminent sterile hybrid between Geranium collinum and Geranium ‘Kashmir Purple’, this Geranium puts on a splendid display of violet blossoms defined by spaced petals, darker purple veins and white centers. The starry violet flowers float above large and loosely arranged, fine-feathered foliage. Position near Salvia ‘Caradonna’ for a fusion of purple.

Blooms mid-May–mid-October.

Size: 2' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium nodosum (P-0644)

Each $11.75


<i>Geranium nodosum</i>

Glossy, deep green, Maple-like foliage and a spreading habit combine for a lush, leafy look in the darker corners of your garden. While the pale lavender flowers of this species are not as numerous as other Geraniums, they bloom over a far greater time, even in heavy shade. With a drift of yellow blooming Kirengeshoma, our Geranium nodosum lives happily under Heptacodium miconioides, where it never fails to please.

Blooms May–October.

Size: 8" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 7.

<i>Geranium nodosum</i> ‘Clos du Coudray’

Recently discovered in some of Normandy’s famed gardens, this European native bestows a steady supply of violet flowers with dark striations, pronounced light margins and deeply notched petal tips. Elongated shallow rhizomes spawn fine hummocks, shaped by lustrous green leaves, sporting 3 to 5 shallowly toothed lobes and warm russet tones as they mature. ‘Clos du Coudray’s valiant cold-hardy habit generates late season blooms, even under dry conditions, exhibits notable shade tolerance and enjoys well-drained soil.

Blooms June–October

Size: 15" high x 18" wide.

Zone 5/6.

<i>Geranium nodosum</i> ‘Svelte Lilac’

Glossy bright green, shallowly-lobed and finely serrated leaves form handsome hummocks that bear a slew of endearing lilac-colored flowers. Its abundant funnel-shaped blooms showcase pale eyes and delicate notched petals with dark veins. First offered by the British nursery, Monksilver, this hearty Geranium endures dry shade and is well-suited for colonizing under trees in a border or woodland garden.

Blooms May–October

Size: 10" high x 15" wide.

Hardy to zone 7.

<i>Geranium</i> ‘Orion’

Named after one of the brightest constellations in Europe’s night sky, this possible ‘Brookside’ seedling promises a shining floral display. Large, saucer-shaped and brilliantly blue flowers enhanced by violet-red veins and luminous whitened centers levitate above a mass of ample, finely dissected greenery. Courtesy of Dutch nurseryman Brian Kabbes, long-blooming ‘Orion’ can be partnered with Helianthemum ‘Wisley Primrose’ for complementary color.

Blooms July–August

Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

A study in delicacy, the scalloped, slightly recurving white petals are imbued with the palest of pinks and patterned with dainty magenta veins. Shiny, 5-lobed leaves, tattooed by daring dark-cocoa central blotches and green margins, sculpt an attractive vigorous clump. Warding off rabbits and deer, carefree ‘Tess’ attracts butterflies, tolerates modest drought, loves full sun where it’s not too hot and can be massed along paths, atop stone walls or in border fronts and cottage gardens.

Blooms May–September

Size: 15" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Chanced upon by Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Moore and later introduced by Britain’s Catforth Gardens, this fanciful hard-to-find cultivar premiers large upward-facing funnel-shaped white flowers with intricately etched deep fuchsia-purple veins. The mesmerizing pattern is more pronounced along the margins of each separated petal, creating somewhat lighter interiors plus a bright pearlescent throat. Easily cultivated in sun or shade, ‘Laura Skelton’s palmately lobed green leaves compose an attractive versatile mound that can soften borders, pathways and woodland gardens.

Blooms May–August

Size: 15" – 17" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium x oxonianum ‘Walter's Gift’ (P-0529)

Each $11.75


Named for the Essex home where this lovely Geranium. x oxonianum and Geranium versicolor hybrid first appeared, ‘Walter’s Gift’ hosts a dashing low growing clump characterized by shiny divided green leaves, each centrally splashed with irregular dark maroon markings. A prominent netting of rosy lavender veins embellishes delicate pale pink flowers that generously bloom for months above the artful close-knit foliage. Adapting to sunny or partially shaded nooks, it spurns deer and bunnies and can be installed alongside Alchemilla ‘Robusta’.

Blooms May–September

Size: 15" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium ‘Patricia’ (P-0528)

Each $12.50


A hybrid of Geranium endressii and Geranium psilostemon, ‘Patricia’ offers deeply cut foliage and months of magenta flowers, which are lighter than those of Geranium psilostemon and have large, star-shaped black eyes. If you appreciate the beauty of simplicity, contrast with the pure white flowers of Philadelphus ‘Snowbelle’.

Blooms June–late October.

Size: 2-1/2' high x 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium phaeum</i> ‘Album’

This posh shade-loving white cultivar with strongly re­flexed petals and luscious lobed green leaves has been described by Graham Stuart Thomas as having reached “a high state of beauty.” We fully agree.

Blooms April–August

Size: 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium phaeum</i> ‘Alec’s Pink’

A buoyant display of pretty mauve pink flowers poised well above generous foliar mounds is what initially grabbed British-born Alec Anderson’s eye and compelled him to introduce this steadfast shade enthusiast in 2000. Slender leafy stems and broad shallowly divided green foliage gives way to open pastel-colored blooms, emphasizing somewhat reflexed petals and veined dark lavender centers with sprightly stamens. Soft-hued companions like Omphalodes ‘Starry Eyes’ or Astilbe ‘Ostrich Plume’ make a soothing statement for shadowy abodes.

Blooms April–August.

Size: 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium phaeum</i> ‘Langthorn’s Blue’

An all-around superb performer, ‘Langthorn’s Blue’ earns its keep in our garden for its strong stature, handsome foliage and long bloom display. The reflexed light violet-blue flowers are centered in paler shades as they rise just above an upright, somewhat compact mound of medium green leaves patterned with deep maroon splotches. The dark foliage of Cotinus ‘Grace’ adds rich contrasting color and a subtle echo of burgundy.

Blooms April–August.

Size: 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium phaeum</i> ‘Lavender Pinwheel’

Well-known plantsman and author Graham Rice wrote about this exquisite Geranium’s intriguing path to popularity, which includes a novice Dutch gardener, a wrecked rusty WWII aircraft, an enthusiastic garden writer as well as the Dutch wholesale nursery De Vroomen. Yet, its fanciful flowers are even more compelling. Each nearly translucent, pale lavender bloom sports purple veins radiating from a green center plus overlapping petals rimmed with a darker violet picotee for a unique shadow-like quality. All this lovely floral intricacy tops good-looking maroon-dappled green foliage.

Blooms April–August

Size: 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium phaeum</i> ‘Lily Lovell’

The shade-loving phaeums have been called “mourning widows” for their dark colors, but Mr. Jason Hill wrote that, “their subdued vivacity suggests a widow who has ceased to mourn.” The definitive early bloomer, ‘Lily Lovell’ is endowed with some of the largest flowers in the species, which appear as early as April and always in abundance. The eggplant-colored blossoms are feathered with purple veins above sumptuous light green foliage that everyone likes to touch. Plant with early bulbs under a high canopy.

Blooms April–August

Size: 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium phaeum</i> ‘Raven’

Discovered as a chance Geranium ‘Lily Lovell’ seedling at a Canadian nursery, this vigorous Geranium produces a bounty of broad flat-faced nearly jet-black flowers, sparkling with white eyes plus a reddish purple luster. The lavish long-blooming display rises above attractive shallowly divided green leaves that outlast dry conditions, deep shade, humidity, rabbits and slugs.

Blooms April–August

Size: 18" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Geranium phaeum ‘Samobor’ (P-0531)

Each $12.50


<i>Geranium phaeum</i> ‘Samobor’

Reflexed burgundy petals and stylish purple-black patches on lobed green leaves grant a distinctive character to this survivor of previously war-torn Croatia. Small enough for a stone crevice or tucked along steps, ‘Samobor’ performs well in deep shade.

Blooms May–September

Size: 18" high x 20" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium phaeum</i> ‘Springtime’

Chanced upon as a rogue seedling by Piet Oudolf, this newly available cultivar unfurls luxe, deeply lobed medium green foliage promoting lucent cream and alabaster brindling in spring, and dynamic maroon splotches at the base of each lobe once warm weather arrives. Slender branching stems lift the small clusters, which house outward-facing, vibrant royal-purple flowers with dainty slightly recurved petals and whitish centers. ‘Springtimes’s arresting close-set mound can be lodged in a shadowy moist enclave alongside Corydalis ‘Porcelain Blue’ for harmonious bloom color. (pp#13,785)

Blooms April–June

Size: 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium phaeum</i> ‘Walküre’

This demure beauty is ideal for the moist shady recesses of your garden, entertaining large lavender blue flowers with light centers. Soft green leaves, chiseled into seven or nine lobed and toothed segments, form a generous, easy-to-grow basal clump. Perched on tall branching stems, the clustered signature blooms feature broad, slightly recurving pointed petals.

Set off its shimmering pastel hues by planting alongside Trollius ‘Alabaster’.

Blooms April – August.

Size: 15" – 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium ‘Phillipe Vapelle’ (P-0647)

Each $12.50


A choice hybrid between Geranium renardii and Geranium platypetalum, ‘Phillipe Vapelle’ forms soft-looking, neat mounds of quilted gray-green foliage, similar to that of Geranium renardii. The late blooming, deep bluish purple flowers, whose delicately notched petals are marked with prominent dark veins, create a pleasing blend of color next to Aster ‘Lutetia’.

Blooms late May–September.

Size: 10" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium platypetalum ‘Turco’ (P-1696)

Each $11.75


<i>Geranium platypetalum</i> ‘Turco’

Recently introduced from Turkey, this impressive perennial promotes vibrant blue-violet blooms atop lusty mounds of good-sized verdant leaves. Dark green and broad, the textured hairy foliage is divided into 9 segments, each toothed and lobed; come fall it blazes with red and yellow highlights. ‘Turco’s low growing stance and plentiful floral details–deep purple veins, intricately etched on overlapping petals and soft colored centers–merit an upfront position in the border or along a garden path.

Blooms June–July.

Size: 15" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

This sumptuous low growing Geranium vaunts a compact mound composed of finely chiseled purplish plum-colored leaves and tall leafy mulberry-tinged scapes, buoying vibrant lilac-blue blooms. Superimposed against dark well-groomed foliage, the clustered saucer-shaped flowers assume a lovely iridescent quality. Ideal for rock work, the border’s edge or a treasured container, ‘Dark Reiter’s seductive color-rich mien can be planted next to silver-infused plants such as Stachys ‘Silver Fleece’, Primula ‘Mauve Mist’ and Viola ‘Silver Gem’.

Blooms June–August

Size: 10" high x 12" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium pratense</i> ‘Kaya’

‘Kaya’s pleasing low growing mound of palmate, deeply incised green leaves makes a neat-looking foil for lively, 5-petaled blue-violet flowers, each distinguished by vivid magenta-hued veins. Projecting a marvelous warm glow, the newly emerging green leaves and young stems are infused with subtle maroon shades. The alluring foliar colors plus plentiful blooms can be juxtaposed against broad bright green-leafed Rodgersia ‘Smaragd’ to great effect.

Blooms May–August

Size: 12" – 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Zone 4/5.

<i>Geranium pratense</i> ‘Laura’ <i>Geranium pratense</i> ‘Laura’

Recently included in Graham Rice’s top-10 new perennials, this classy double white Geranium sprouted from a packet of Geranium pratense seeds sown some 20 years ago by British gardener Christine Morley. Upon witnessing its amazing verve and flower-power, she began to realize that it was indeed different from Geranium pratense ‘Plenum Album’ and subsequently named it for her mother. Snowy green-eyed sterile flowers on erect branching stems create a stellar, long-lasting splash, illuminating the dashing resilient clump of fine deeply divided leaves.

Blooms June–July

Size: 2' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Brimming with old-fashioned charm, this Geranium’s deep violet-blue flowers were once likened to “exquisite rosettes” by Graham Stuart Thomas. Upright branching stems host richly colored double layered petals, arranged in a perfect cup shape around a dark purple-tinged center. Strong fleshy roots produce a good-sized sterile clump of handsome, chiseled dark green leaves—irregularly lobed, toothed and deeply split into 7 or 9 segments.

Equally at ease in a cottage garden or a more formal setting, ‘Plenum Violaceum’ looks positively noble when situated amid Sidalcea ‘Elsie Heugh’s silvery pink blossoms. For a more daring association, try orange blooming Geum ‘Starkers Magnificum’.

Blooms May – July.

Size: 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Zone 2/3.

Geranium renardii (P-0147)

Each $12.00


<i>Geranium renardii</i>

Thick, textural, long-petioled gray-green leaves don a felt-like finish and scalloped purplish margins. Clustered pale lilac flowers with notched petals plus a deep purple venation perch on slim stems well above the low dense basal mound. Hailing from the Caucusus mountains, Geranium renardii makes an excellent edging plant and works well in a border, the rockery or cottage garden.

Blooms May–July

Size: 10" – 12" high x 15" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium renardii ‘Tcschelda’ (P-0754)

Each $12.00


<i>Geranium renardii</i> ‘Tcschelda’ <i>Geranium renardii</i> ‘Tcschelda’

‘Tcschelda’ is graced with charming blue flowers, lobed, grayish green feltlike foliage, and a handsome low-lying stature. Plant as a ground cover amidst Schizachyrium ‘The Blues’ for contrasting form and similar colors.

Blooms June–September.

Size: 10" high x 16" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium x riversleaianum ‘Mavis Simpson’ (P-0081)

Each $12.50


<i>Geranium</i> x <i>riversleaianum</i> ‘Mavis Simpson’ <i>Geranium</i> x <i>riversleaianum</i> ‘Mavis Simpson’

‘Mavis Simpson’ has pale satiny pink flowers borne on trailing stems covering a choice moun­ding carpet of soft gray-green. For greatest impact, plant it on 12 in. centers. This Geranium looks just right with Origanum ‘Bristol Cross’ and Saponaria ‘Max Frei’.

Blooms May–October

Size: 8" high x 2-1/2' wide.

Zone 6/7.

Geranium ‘Rozanne’ (P-1336)

Each $12.25


<i>Geranium</i> ‘Rozanne’

For its unbelievable quantities of large violet-blue blooms and much appreciated versatility, this new, strong performing Geranium should be ushered into your garden. Lightly marbled foliage fashions a plush deep green mound that stays covered from June until frost with glamorous 2 ½ in. saucer-shaped flowers, each heightened by black anthers, magenta veins and a radiant white eye. A naturally occurring sterile hybrid of Geranium himalayense and Geranium wallichianum ‘Buxton’s Variety’, ‘Rozanne’ promotes spirited red leaves in autumn, withstands sunny hot sites better than most other Geraniums and is happy just about anywhere, from an exposed border to a container, and even in a hanging basket!  (pp#12,175)

Blooms June–October

Size: 20" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium</i> ‘Sabani Blue’

Bred by Scotland’s Alan Bremner, this energetic Geranium libani and Geranium ibericum ssp. jubatum hybrid emphasizes a good-looking, large green mound of deep-hewn palmate leaves plus large, early-blooming dark violet-blue flowers. The upward-facing vividly hued blossoms are embellished with thin dark purple veins and soft white centers. Appreciating an early summer cutback, cold-hardy ‘Sabani Blue’ can be added to mixed perennial borders, light-dappled woodlands, low walls and cottage gardens. (pp#16,305)

Blooms May–June

Size: 18" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium sanguineum</i> var. <i>lancastriense</i>

A healthy blush of pink graces these plentiful pale blossoms, while a flush of magenta enlivens the delicately patterned veins and striated stems. Found in the wild on the Isle of Walney, and cultivated since the 18th century, this long-blooming, large flowered Geranium provides a softening aspect wherever it’s planted. The small rounded leaves are divided into segments and deeply toothed lobes, casting a fine textured air and a last hurrah as russet, orange and red emblazon their surfaces in autumn.

Blooms March–October

Size: 10" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium sanguineum ‘Album’ (P-1267)

Each $12.00


<i>Geranium sanguineum</i> ‘Album’

With an air of elegance, ample, loose growing mounds host dark green leaves and comely pure white blooms. Defined by 5 spaced petals, the large, cup-shaped beauties are lifted on branching stems above deeply divided foliage, which wears colorful orange, rust and red streaks in autumn. A long-lived floriferous perennial best planted en masse, this Geranium is well-suited for the front of the border where its snowy accents can blanket the ground beneath Hydrangea ‘Lanarth White’ or alongside Euphorbia ‘Blue Haze’ all summer long.

Blooms May–August

Size: 10" high x 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Geranium sanguineum</i> ‘Apfelblute’

During the early 1980s, venerated plantsman Ernest Pagels selected this refined cultivar from a group of Geranium sanguineum ‘Splendens’ seedlings. Bathed in the softest of pinks, the large, flat saucer-shaped flowers display subtly darker pink veins and margins. Interlacing leafy stems and small, deeply divided round leaves craft a low, easy-care, dapper dark green mat that flashes orange, henna and brilliant red autumn hues. ‘Apfelblute’s untold elegance is equally at home in the rockery, trailing over a stone wall, softening pavers or edging the front of a border.

Blooms May–August

Size: 10" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium</i> ‘Sirak’

Occurring naturally in German plantsman Hans Simon’s garden, this well-loved Geranium gracile x Geranium ibericum hybrid flaunts legions of 5-petaled deep lavender-pink flowers with delicate, yet prominent dark purple veins that inscribe greenish white centers. The astounding floral display is poised well above large, neat deeply-cut bright green leaves. A first-class AGM winner, lusty ‘Sirak’ makes an ebullient, easy-to-blend partner for Campanulas, Astrantia and Lupines.

Blooms June–August

Size: 15" – 18" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

A 1994 introduction from the highly respected Welsh nursery, Crug Farms, this long-lived G. procurrens and G. lambertii hybrid delivers eye-catching color-rich blooms. Plentiful, cup-shaped pink flowers are composed of violet centers and notched dainty-looking petals with a distinctive network of deep purple veins. Soft-to-the-touch, subtly toothed and lobed, the rounded textural leaves forge a low maintenance medium green mound, which can ramble amongst other perennials, while appreciating a fairly bright abode and a trim to maintain its tidy habit.

Blooms May–June

Size: 16" high x 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium sylvaticum</i> ‘Birch Lilac’

Indigenous to the damp meadows of Europe and northern Turkey, this superb compact cultivar bears toothed, broadly divided medium green leaves with deeply lobed segments. Loose clusters present the lovely cup-shaped flowers, whose 5 rounded dark lilac petals are centered by a glowing white eye. ‘Birch Lilac’s peppy, easy-care habit is second-to-none for adequately moist borders and woodland peripheries or for tumbling beneath roses and other shrubs.

Blooms June–July

Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Geranium wallichianum ‘Buxtons Variety’ (P-0810)

Each $13.00


<i>Geranium wallichianum</i> ‘Buxtons Variety’

Each summer this spectacular Geranium puts on a nonstop show. Large, glowing white centers with dark stamens highlight captivating spode-blue flowers as they linger just above the luxuriant, slightly mottled foliage. A choice addition to the border, ‘Buxton’s Variety’ can be staged with Persicaria ‘Taurus’ and Parahebe linifolia.

Blooms June–October

Size: 10" high x 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Geranium wallichianum</i> ‘Crystal Lake’

As if radiating light from within, these extraordinary crystal-blue flowers possess white eyes and striking purple-veined petals. Upright and outward-spreading, the freely-branching stems are clothed by handsome marbled leaves that are palmately lobed and velvety soft, while hosting a profusion of 1 ½ in. wide, cup-shaped blooms. A sophisticated summer-time standout, trouble-free ‘Crystal Lake’ promises luminous accents anywhere you plant it.

Blooms June–October

Size: 15" – 20" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Named for its starry floral display and creator, Jan van Lakwijk, this seldom-offered Geranium is a prismatic delight. The sturdy species hails from the damp grasslands of eastern Siberia, Mongolia, and northeastern China, and was once noted as a choice word to utter during stressful situations. Topping fuzzy 16 in. stems, large saucer-shaped, white-centered, dark bluish purple flowers with raisin-colored veins embellish the rounded, 3 in. wide lobed leaves that sport purplish cocoa-colored markings plus a velvet-soft finish. The unbeatable low maintenance clump turns a dusky-green once summer arrives, then premiers brilliant red and aubergine shades in fall.

Blooms June–September

Size: 16" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

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