Shrouded in a blue mist from midsummer until frost, these woody, shrublike perennials proclaim an Asian heritage and Verbena relations. Aromatic and paired, the deciduous foliage is attired with dense clusters of tantalizing whorled flowers enhanced by showy extended stamens. An excellent choice for a shrubby bed, mixed border or open bank, their cool colors complement the warmer tones of late season blooms. Prized by bees and butterflies, sun-loving Caryopteris tolerates some drought and demands good drainage.

This shrubby perennial is valued for its ability to handle a dry site, but definitely proves itself indispensable when masses of its deep blue-violet flowers put on a spectacular show. Enveloping stiff upright stems, the richly colored blooms are long lasting in the garden and in arrangements as well. Handsome, grayish green felted leaves emit a pleasing medicinal scent as they cloak Common Bluebeard’s looser, more open profile.
Blooms mid-August–October
Size: 3' 0" – 5' 0" high x 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.

Tiny round buds and vibrant cut-flower-perfect whorled blooms put on a spectacular display, nearly enveloping the fine textured bushy foundation that’s defined by compact upright stems and pewter-green leaves with frosted flip sides. Touted as the best and the bluest of all Caryopteris, ‘Dark Knight’s swank low mounding profile can be staged right up front, tucked next to Rudbeckia ‘Viette’s Little Suzy’ and Achillea ‘Hella Glashoff’ or ushered into smaller gardens.
Blooms July–September
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

An unparalleled cultivar selected at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania, this well-groomed Caryopteris touts a taller upright stance with boundless, fragrant blue-violet flowers and dashing silver-dusted gray foliage. Lavish quantities of long-lasting late summer blooms, housed in terminal and axillary clusters, bewitch bees, butterflies, florists and gardeners, while the slender lance-shaped deciduous leaves waft enticing spicy aromas. Easy-care ‘Longwood Blue’ looks impressive whether it’s trimmed into a low hedge, planted en masse or featured as a specimen in the perennial border.
Blooms July–September
Size: 2' 0" – 4' 0" high x 2' 0" – 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Caryopteris x x ‘Lissilv’ (S-0732)
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(Sterling Silver™)
We have esteemed English shrub breeder, Peter Catt to thank for the exceptional attributes this award winning Caryopteris promotes: small stature, elegant illuminated foliage and copious late season blooms. Whorled bright blue-violet flowers garnish a trim gathering of shimmering silver leaves that draws attention months before the blossoms appear.
An ideal addition to the mixed border, its sterling shades can be combined with the yellow umbels of Achillea ‘Hella Glashoff’ or boldly mixed with orange flowering Leonotis ‘Savannah Sunset’. (PPAF)
Blooms August – September
Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
Englishman Peter Catt bred sterling qualities into this easy-to-care-for Caryopteris: deep, vivid blue blossoms, an earlier, extended bloom period, and a neatly compact form that requires little pruning. ‘First Choice’ also earns its place for winning whorls of inky flowers, which emerge from the leaf axils along the upper part of each erect stem. Serrated, with a green sheen topside, the linear leaves are a soothing gray-green beneath. Blue Mist Spiraea offers arresting texture and color when staged with the toasty hues of Sedum ‘Autumn Fire’ and Spodiopogon sibiricus.(PP#11,958)
Blooms July–September
Size: 3' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.