Common Bluebeard

Shrouded in a blue mist from midsummer until frost, these woody, shrublike perennials proclaim an Asian heritage and Verbena relations. Aromatic and paired, the deciduous foliage is attired with dense clusters of tantalizing whorled flowers enhanced by showy extended stamens. An excellent choice for a shrubby bed, mixed border or open bank, their cool colors complement the warmer tones of late season blooms. Prized by bees and butterflies, sun-loving Caryopteris tolerates some drought and demands good drainage.

This shrubby perennial is valued for its ability to handle a dry site, but definitely proves itself indispensable when masses of its deep blue-violet flowers put on a spectacular show. Enveloping stiff upright stems, the richly colored blooms are long lasting in the garden and in arrangements as well. Handsome, grayish green felted leaves emit a pleasing medicinal scent as they cloak Common Bluebeard’s looser, more open profile.
Blooms mid-August–October
Size: 3' 0" – 5' 0" high x 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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