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The definitive bellflower, Campanulas melt your heart as they ring in the summer. The genus includes nearly 300 species, from exquisite miniatures to stalwart uprights; we can’t resist including them in almost every garden design.

<i>Campanula alliariifolia</i>

Highly touted by Graham Stuart Thomas, who once referred to it as “a picture of poise and beauty,” this vigorous, clump-forming Campanula hosts a multitude of imposing one-sided spires, packed with creamy white bells from top to bottom. Prominent calyces clasp 2 in. long, nodding blooms, which elegantly illuminate the handsome, long-petioled heart-shaped leaves below.

Blooms July–August

Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Campanula barbata</i>

Endemic to the meadows and open woodlands of the Polish Alps and Italian Dolomites plus a region in Norway, this exquisite, seldom offered alpine beauty is named for the unique hairy fringe that extends from nodding porcelain-blue flower tips. Bearded Bellflower’s delicate blooms prance on erect, nearly leafless stems, rising from narrow, lance-shaped pale green foliage. Sustained by a large perennial taproot, the small rough-textured basal rosette begs lime-free, not-so-rich, well- drained soil in the rockery, scree garden or a raised bed, where it may be short-lived but happily reseeds.

Blooms May–July

Size: 8" – 15" high x 8" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Campanula</i> ‘Birch Hybrid’

In light of the notion that “new” is not always better, there’s nothing like welcoming back a hard working old friend. Large showy lavender-blue bells flower freely, nodding on graceful 8 in. stems above tidy low mounds of toothed, crisp green foliage. Visually cooling brickwork, small rocks or stone paving in bright sunny spots, this carefree Campanula can be paired with Dianthus ‘Charles Musgrave’ or pink flowering Saponaria x oliviana.

Blooms June–August.

Size: 6" high x 15" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Campanula carpatica var. turbinata (P-0043)

Each $10.75


<i>Campanula carpatica</i> var. <i>turbinata</i>

All the way from the Carpathian Mountains comes this lively Campanula with winsome mounds of saw-toothed bright green foliage. A profusion of cup-shaped, papery blue flowers face the sky and embellish any rock garden or border.

Blooms late July–September

Size: 6" high x 12" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Campanula garganica ‘Dickson’s Gold’ (P-0188)

Each $11.75


<i>Campanula garganica</i> ‘Dickson’s Gold’

Cool your summer garden with the fresh colors of spring. In partial shade, the vibrant golden foliage and plentiful clear-water blue flowers of ‘Dickson’s Gold’ will literally glow with life. For even more delectable blue, plant with Salvia forsskaolii in the rockery or along a wall.

Blooms June–August.

Size: 6" high x 20" wide.

Hardy to zone 6.

Indigenous to European meadows and stony calcium-rich outcrops, ‘Bellefleur White’ bears cut-flower-perfect clusters of upward-facing, bell-shaped pure white blossoms on straight stout stems. The orderly compact habit is defined by toothed ovate green leaves that are long-petioled, evergreen and cordate at the base. A favored destination for hummingbirds and butterflies, but not rabbits or deer, this amenable quick-growing perennial casts luminous highlights in the rockery, border frontage, patio pots and troughs.

Blooms June–August

Size: 8" – 12" high x 14" wide.

Hardy to zone 3.

<i>Campanula glomerata</i> ‘Caroline’ <i>Campanula glomerata</i> ‘Caroline’

Featured in showy rounded heads, pastel-hued flowers surmount stocky upright stems loosely attired with small sessile leaves. Each long-lasting cluster houses up to 15 small blooms, described by deep mauve tips, aged pale blushed petals and newer more saturated amethyst-pink ones for a distinctive two-toned aspect. Large long-petioled foliage—hairy, toothed, and ovate-shaped—forms a verdant slow-spreading basal clump that relishes even moisture and exhibits more heat tolerance than most glomerata species. Seldom offered and easily cultivated, ‘Caroline’ can be associated with pink-blooming Persicaria ‘Dimity’.

Blooms June–August

Size: 12" – 18" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 3.

<i>Campanula glomerata</i> ‘Freya’

Kudos to the acclaimed Dutch plant breeder Arie Blom for this floriferous midsized charmer. Paying homage to the Norse goddess of love and agriculture, who adored spring, flowers and fairies, ‘Freya’ premiers small, starry, lilac-purple blooms squeezed onto ample rounded clusters. Beneath the lovely long-lasting blossoms that enchant florists, gardeners, butterflies and hummingbirds, a dapper, noninvasive clump-forming rosette sprouts long, toothed somewhat hairy foliage plus multiple upright, strong, well-branched stems. (pp#22,738)

Blooms May–June

Size: 15" – 18" high x 15" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 3.

<i>Campanula</i> ‘Iridescent Bells’

Lauded by bees, hummingbirds and Britain’s Royal Horticultural Society, this hardworking Burpee introduction delivers a scented profusion of delightful, 2 in. pale lilac-silver bells all summer long. Tidy, toothed greenery and leafy semi-upright stems produce up to 30 rich purple buds that create an eye-catching bicolored effect as the clustered iridescent blooms unfurl. Steeped in loveliness, ‘Iridescent Bells’s undemanding deer-resistant habit is perfect for cottage gardens, border frontage and cut arrangements.

Blooms June–August

Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Large, waxy dark violet-blue flowers hang like lanterns on 3 to 4 ft. stems above glossy basal foliage. We plant this quick colonizing offspring of Campanula takesimana among other vigorous perennials such as Kniphofia pauciflora at the front of the border.

Blooms June–October

Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Though its name conjures visions of tumbling snow, this sublime and reliable perennial manifests glistening masses of large, bell-shaped snowy white flowers in well-formed clusters. The lovely, long-lasting summertime blooms are bolstered by stout branched stems and tidy, pointed midgreen leaves. Tailor-made for a cottage garden or mixed planting, ‘Avalanche’ becomes a refreshing counterpoint to warm-hued blossoms on a hot afternoon.

Blooms July–September

Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Campanula lactiflora ‘Loddon Anna’ (P-0044)

Each $12.75


<i>Campanula lactiflora</i> ‘Loddon Anna’ <i>Campanula lactiflora</i> ‘Loddon Anna’

Shapely branching heads of soft pink bellflowers crest firm stems lined in pointed green leaves, and with Boltonia ‘Snowbank’ nearby, create a perfect duet for harmony and support. We love this plant just as much in winter when we pull back the mulch to see its crisp fleshy white buds slumbering away the cold months.

Blooms July–September

Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

You can’t see the foliage for the flowers in this soft puff of pale lavender-blue. We initially encountered this lovely dwarf Blooms of Bressingham selection of C. lactiflora nearly 30 years ago in a garden designed by Beatrix Ferrand, and we’re thrilled to have it available again. Conical panicles are packed with dainty bell-shaped blooms above a compact lush-looking medium green mound. For foliar contrast and a classic combination of blue and white, ‘Pouffe’ can accompany Francoa ramosa.

Blooms July–September

Size: 12" – 15" high x 15" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Campanula lactiflora ‘Prichards Variety’ (P-0830)

Each $12.75


<i>Campanula lactiflora</i> ‘Prichards Variety’

‘Prichard’s Variety’ is really quite a beauty, a classic border plant distinguished by a stylish profile. Abundant large, dome-shaped clusters of vibrant violet-blue flowers, brightened by a white center, crown the staunch branching stalks and rich green leaves. Astrantia ‘Roma’ is a lively companion for this Campanula’s flowers and Achillea ‘Red Velvet’ adds warm red tones.

Blooms mid-July–September

Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 3' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

A diminutive leafy mound of soft-looking fresh greenery with toothed margins cushions enchanting outward facing pure white, clustered bell flowers that bees and hummingbirds adore. Selected by revered plantsman Alan Bloom, ‘White Pouffe’s well-groomed compact character can be easily nestled into the frontlines of a border or atop a wall next to Phlox ‘Mini Pearl’ for foliar contrast and pearl-hued blooms.

Blooms June–August

Size: 12" – 15" high x 15" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Campanula latiloba</i> ‘Alba’

This elegant Campanula forms a tidy mound of deep green evergreen rosettes that hugs the ground. Stiff, flowering stems, in no need of staking, rise midsummer, displaying a multitude of ridged, creamy chartreuse buds. The abundant, snow-white, star-shaped flowers, each accented by three curled white anthers, are perfect for the white garden, especially against Phlox ‘David’.

Blooms July–August.

Size: 2-1/2' high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Campanula ochroleuca ‘Mrs. V. Vollenhove’ (P-2226)

Each $11.75


<i>Campanula ochroleuca</i> ‘Mrs. V. Vollenhove’

Myriad conical greenish buds plus large, broadly bell-shaped creamy-yellow blooms make an enchanting summer-long appearance along low, leafy arching stems. Composed of fetching heart-shaped foliage with finely-toothed margins plus long petioles, this rarely offered, easy-care cultivar develops a snug slow-spreading bright green clump. Well suited for stone walls, cottage gardens and pathway edging, ‘Mrs. V. Vollenhove’ treasures loose well-drained ordinary garden soil and can accompany other smaller-statured perennials such as Geranium renardii or Veronica ‘Pure Silver’. 

Blooms June–mid August

Size: 12" – 18" high x 12" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Campanula portenschlagiana (P-1864)

Each $10.75


<i>Campanula portenschlagiana</i>

Hailing from Croatia’s Dalmatian Mountains, this natty AGMwinner sets loose a lovely flood of 5-petaled bellstyle violet-blue flowers perched on wiry short branching stems. Small rounded dark green leaves form a closeknit, nearly evergreen mat beneath the long blooming summer display. With charm to spare, Campanula portenschlagiana’s low growing habit tackles heat if there’s adequate moisture, tumbles down slopes or containers and softens any rock’s hard edges.

Blooms June – September

Size: 7" – 12" high x 12" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Campanula portenschlagiana</i> ‘Resholt Variety’

Brimming with pluck and charm, ‘Resholdt’s Variety’s glorious sea of cup-shaped light blue-violet blossoms and darker buds blankets a trim closely woven low-growing mat. The long-stemmed starry upward-facing blooms are nestled atop toothed, triangular deep green leaves, whose petite appearance defies their robust spreading nature. Touted as one of the largest and truest-blue bloomers amongst the species, this free-flowering semievergreen beauty can grace well-drained pathways, rock gardens and containers.

Blooms May–August

Size: 6" – 8" high x 12" – 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Campanula poscharskyana ‘Alba’ (P-2274)

Each $10.75


<i>Campanula poscharskyana</i> ‘Alba’

A captivating sparkle of copious star-shaped white blooms illuminates this perky, spreading ground cover. Braving deer, coastal conditions and occasional dry periods, the small heart-shaped jade-green leaves don toothed margins and thin petioles. ′Alba′s winsome semievergreen presence can sprawl amongst pavers, tumble down walls or trail along a pathway, promising easy-care verdant accents and a second bloom when appropriately trimmed.

Blooms June–September

Size: 8" – 10" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Campanula poscharskyana</i> ‘Blue Waterfall’

A cascading river of star-shaped blue-violet blooms emanates from this durable, low-to-the-ground gem. Pointy ribbed buds give way to soothing, cool-colored flowers, each highlighted by a subtle white eye, amid good-looking toothed foliage that is darker and more tidy than the species. Tailor-made for spilling over walls or steps, ‘Blue Waterfall’s nearly trouble-free constitution can even handle some drought once established. (pp#13,161)

Blooms June–October

Size: 8" – 10" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Campanula poscharskyana</i> ‘E. H. Frost’

This pre-glasnost Yugoslav émigré is a deservedly popular ground cover. Starry sprays of frosty white bells cover a low mat that can venture over walls or colonize a rock garden.

Blooms May–July.

Size: 8" high x 18" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Campanula poscharskyana</i> ‘Stella’

This favorite of ours conjures images of a brilliant sky. The star-shaped blue-violet flowers open to reveal a white center that contrasts sharply with the deep green foliage. In a crevice or trailing over a rock wall with Geum ‘Beech House Apricot’, ‘Stella’s colors will contrast stellarly.

Blooms June – September

Size: 6" – 8" high x 20" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Not one person in our garden has passed by this plant without stopping to admire the extraordinary bell-shaped cherry-red flowers, which are neatly edged in white. Onlookers may also notice the unusual ridged buds and long, narrow green calyces. Adorned with pale, purple-spotted throats, the ample-sized, pendulous blooms can grow more than 3 in. long and are especially striking against the backdrop of somewhat triangular, serrated green leaves.

Blooms July–mid-October

Size: 20" – 2' 0" high x 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

Campanula ‘Purple Sensation’ (P-1926)

Each $11.75


Droves of luscious nearly black buds unfurling pendulous, 3 in. long midnight-purple bells above a compact mounded foundation make ‘Purple Sensation’ a coveted perennial. Introduced by Dutch nurseryman Mark van Kesteren, this sensational easy-care Campanula offers additional enticements: a noninvasive habit, well-branched stalks garbed with attractive heat-tolerant foliage plus fanciful green calyces. (PP#16,027)

Blooms June–August

Size: 2' 0" – 2-1/4' high x 2-1/2' wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Campanula ‘Sarastro’ (P-1309)

Each $11.75


<i>Campanula</i> ‘Sarastro’

It’s hard to imagine how on earth ‘Kent Bells’ could be improved upon but that’s exactly what happened when this first-rate Campanula punctata and trachelium hybrid was introduced. Not as tall, more compact and slow to spread are all good reasons why ‘Sarastro’ should be invited into your garden, but add glistening 2 in. dark violet-blue bells and it becomes simply indispensable. Named for the Austrian nursery where it originated, this exceptional Bellflower boasts sturdy 20 in. spikes, laden with floral pendants that don’t need staking, and look downright gorgeous alongside yellow-flowering Centaurea ruthenica.

Blooms June–August

Size: 18" – 20" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

<i>Campanula sarmatica</i>

Gracing American gardens since the 1800s, this rarely offered, endangered Campanula fashions an attractive gray-green rosette of crinkled, arrow-shaped leaves, each with a rounded base, a somewhat fuzzy surface and long petioles. The dainty, laden display of flared soft blue bells borne on one-sided, upright racemes belies its rugged character. A sun-tolerant, clumping perennial, Campanula sarmatica’s quiet allure can be admired along a border’s edge or atop a garden wall accompanying Diascia ‘Coral Canyon’.

Blooms July–August

Size: 16" – 20" high x 12" wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Campanula takesimana</i> <i>Campanula takesimana</i>

If fairies lived in flowers, they would certainly call this Korean Campanula home. White with hints of lilac on the outside and spotted maroon on the inside, the 2 in. lanternlike flowers lighten even the darkest of days. With reddish stems and large deep green basal foliage, this perennial spreads easily and can be grown in full sun on the coast.

Blooms July–September.

Size: 18" high x 2' 0" & spreading wide.

Hardy to zone 5.

<i>Campanula trachelium</i> var. <i>alba</i>

Endemic to the open forests and woodland peripheries of Europe, North Africa and Siberia, this easy-care perennial proffers refreshing good looks. Numerous upright firm leafy stems are dressed with large flared ivory-white bells and pointy green calyces. The endearing floral display lasts all summer above a bristly spring green clump of notched long-petioled nettle-shaped leaves that emerge from a noninvasive woody rootstock. Cheering up borders, cutting gardens and cottage-style plantings, it appreciates light shade, good drainage, moderate moisture and somewhat alkaline soil.

Blooms July–September

Size: 2' 0" – 2-1/2' high x 12" – 15" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

Campanula trachelium ‘Bernice’ (P-0733)

Each $11.75


<i>Campanula trachelium</i> ‘Bernice’ <i>Campanula trachelium</i> ‘Bernice’

Profusions of showy violet-blue flowers, their delicate layers of petals opening widely, embellish strong leafy stems above a neat mound of jagged-edged basal foliage. An excellent choice for the rock garden, tuck ‘Bernice’ in a crevice with gray-leafed Salvia ‘Bee’s Bliss’ nearby.

Blooms June–July.

Size: 18" high x 15" wide.

Hardy to zone 4.

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